You know.
fudge Japan Studios. Bunch of clowns, seriously.
I still remember clearly back in 2013 or 2014 making a thread on Vgchartz still about how they would be the studio to watch last gen.
They weren't... not even close. Empty promises and disappointment after disappointment is what they delivered, with Astro Bot and Bloodborne being the only exceptions.
People will direct their anger at Sony's headquarters in California and keep screaming about how "Sony is abandoning Japan", as if Japan Studio in recent years held any relevance to their strategy for Japan.
Japan Studio is a joke. Do you remember how big Allan Becker was talking about his plans for the studio in 2013/2014? They were going to come back in a big way.... yeah, right. They refused to adapt to AAA development but were also unable to attract talent to actually make their mid budget game plan work. Smaller budgeted games can be great, amazing even but anyone who tells you that Japan Studios output in recent years (excluding the aformentioned exceptions) fell into those categories is deluding themselves.
I wanted them to make something that amazes me, I still want that, I bought stuff like Gravity Rush 1/2 or The Last Guardian in hopes of finding that there, but those games didn't come close.
Will this be the kick in the butt that gives rise to new talent to grow that studio into something worthwile of representing SIE's japanese game development branch? Dunno, probably not. Maybe they'll at least be able to consistently make Astro Bot games from now on... but I can already see them tying the next one to the next VR headset instead of just doing a fullfledged non-VR game for the franchise.
Now I'm in a bad mood an hour before the SoP, great.