sent out to die. i feel like sony does this with too many of their games. least they aren't as bad as netflix.
Yes it is strange. Its felt like for the past few years, Sony has either done an absolutely massive marketing campaign or just sent out games to die with nothing, not much in between. Its also now down to 2k viewers (118th most watched game), must have been one bigger stream propping it up. The gaming world does not know about this game.
Anyone else here tried it yet? For me its so weird. The on-foot stuff is just boring and unnecessary, only one game mode actually makes use of it and even then its arbitrary. Its like they initially had this design pitch of both car combat and on foot all in one and thought it would be awesome, but could never design a game that would actually make use of both. So in the end they just made one game mode that forces you to get out and said eh that'll do.
Its fairly fun in the cars but its also not that thrilling. You spend most of your time just chasing someone else a bit infront of you, or doing small turns to try and find people (since you can't move the camera). There's not that much to do really, you can only do much damage to people with your forward boost ability which has like a 10 second cooldown, so most of the time you're just driving around waiting. The entire game is just trying to drive into other cars that have stopped or that you can hit the side of, and that was getting old real fast. The two team based game modes mix this up a little bit, but only in a way that's a slight distraction every now and then.
There's just no exciting moments, nothing to get your heart racing, its just all kind of samey. You're just driving around, trying to hit other cars and not get hit yourself. Cool.
I can see myself having a bit of fun with friends once they get PS5s, but on my own I don't think it'll last. Its better than Fall Guys though, I was sick of that game after 3 hours of play.