My Unreal Engine 4 game level - Want feedback and would love suggestions

Started by nnodley, May 03, 2014, 12:06 AM

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Alright so this weekend I plan on getting a lot of details on what I want to make done as well as a few sketches.  I won't begin modeling and texturing till next weekend or later as I want to have a lot of reference images and sketches finished first.  As well as some gameplay elements I can build the level around. 

First off I want to get all you guy's opinion on the idea I have so far.  So I'm a big fan of post-apocalyptic, and realistic foliage and architecture, but I don't exactly want to do a post apocalyptic type level because it's over used.  So what I was thinking on my drive back from my class was to create a level where trees and other various other foliage was used as supports for houses, some taller business buildings, etc.  So basically when they went to build all these buildings they decided to preserve nature and build everything around the trees or using them as supports if need be.  In short it's a small city built in a forest.  And walkways are hooked onto trees from building to building so everything is connected. 

It's hard to explain, but I have it in my head so hopefully I can get some sketches this weekend for better visualization.

Over the next 4 months I will post updates on everything for feedback or suggestions on changes I could make. 


Quote from: nnodley on May 03, 2014, 12:06 AM
Alright so this weekend I plan on getting a lot of details on what I want to make done as well as a few sketches.  I won't begin modeling and texturing till next weekend or later as I want to have a lot of reference images and sketches finished first.  As well as some gameplay elements I can build the level around. 

First off I want to get all you guy's opinion on the idea I have so far.  So I'm a big fan of post-apocalyptic, and realistic foliage and architecture, but I don't exactly want to do a post apocalyptic type level because it's over used.  So what I was thinking on my drive back from my class was to create a level where trees and other various other foliage was used as supports for houses, some taller business buildings, etc.  So basically when they went to build all these buildings they decided to preserve nature and build everything around the trees or using them as supports if need be.  In short it's a small city built in a forest.  And walkways are hooked onto trees from building to building so everything is connected. 

It's hard to explain, but I have it in my head so hopefully I can get some sketches this weekend for better visualization.

Over the next 4 months I will post updates on everything for feedback or suggestions on changes I could make.

I can't stand the typical post-apocalyptic scenario. It's why I never got into Fallout. Yeah, I'll definitely make at least a few suggestions based on what you show us.


Quote from: Raven on May 03, 2014, 12:09 AM
I can't stand the typical post-apocalyptic scenario. It's why I never got into Fallout. Yeah, I'll definitely make at least a few suggestions based on what you show us.
Yeah as much as I wanted to make a sort of post-apocalyptic level, I decided against it since it's seems like a classic, generic go to level design.  I hope what I have in mind comes out as good as I'm hoping and is pretty original in that not many if any have done it before.


Keep it coming.  I'll make the accompanying Android app, cause that's the new thing, using apps to have stuff in games.


Quote from: darkknightkryta on May 03, 2014, 12:16 AM
Keep it coming.  I'll make the accompanying Android app, cause that's the new thing, using apps to have stuff in games.
LULZ!!  Gotta stay up to date on everything!


Incoherent rambling.  On another note, I'm going to start teaching Android to high school students starting Monday.


Quote from: darkknightkryta on May 03, 2014, 12:22 AM
...On another note, I'm going to start teaching Android to high school students starting Monday.
SUHWEET!!!  I wish my high school had taught more game development type stuff.


Quote from: nnodley on May 03, 2014, 12:26 AM
SUHWEET!!!  I wish my high school had taught more game development type stuff.
I'm not teaching anything game related.  I'm just doing an internship for a high school.  I still have to find work as a teacher.  Which is gonna be really hard to find.


Quote from: darkknightkryta on May 03, 2014, 12:28 AM
I'm not teaching anything game related.  I'm just doing an internship for a high school.  I still have to find work as a teacher.  Which is gonna be really hard to find.
Well, my high school still didn't even teach anything with android or anything tech.  A lot of schools are starting to, so a lot of kids will start to be much further ahead on learning tech and shame than I was.


Quote from: nnodley on May 03, 2014, 12:31 AM
Well, my high school still didn't even teach anything with android or anything tech.  A lot of schools are starting to, so a lot of kids will start to be much further ahead on learning tech and shame than I was.
I was thinking about it recently.  I realized just how big of computer science classes I can get if I did this at the beginning of the year.  The problem is that I only have a month so I want the advanced students right now.  But if I was a teacher and it was September.  I'd have my club on the announcements.


Quote from: darkknightkryta on May 03, 2014, 12:38 AM
I was thinking about it recently.  I realized just how big of computer science classes I can get if I did this at the beginning of the year.  The problem is that I only have a month so I want the advanced students right now.  But if I was a teacher and it was September.  I'd have my club on the announcements.
Yeah the amount of people that want to learn computer science and game development is growing fast.  I would assume you could get 2 or more classes of students for it. 



Good thread to bring up a forum rules question.

This thread is starting to get off topic. In situations like this would you like the new topic to be split off and made into its own thread? In this case we'd still have the thread about unreal, but we'd also have a new thread about teachers in game fields.

I'm not going to take action, but what do you guys think?


Quote from: NotJoe on May 03, 2014, 12:49 AM
Good thread to bring up a forum rules question.

This thread is starting to get off topic. In situations like this would you like the new topic to be split off and made into its own thread? In this case we'd still have the thread about unreal, but we'd also have a new thread about teachers in game fields.

I'm not going to take action, but what do you guys think?
Hmm,  I think it could more or less be up to the OP.  If they feel a new topic is being brought up and they don't want that then they can opt to get it spun off into it's own thread.  I however do not care as I'm not exactly ready to post anything yet for feedback.  :-p

But I might end up making a thread about the new Unreal Engine 4 and game development and computer science so we can talk about it without me posting stuff and getting in the way of a good discussion.


Yeah I think it should be left up to the OP.  If mods want to make mention, but I think the OP should have final say.  I mean, me and nnodley are off topic for now, but will be on topic once nnodley starts updating.