Did you miss them on PS+ then? I have all three but I'm pretty sure I didn't buy them.
Did you miss them on PS+ then? I have all three but I'm pretty sure I didn't buy them.Yeah must have. bought all 3 for $10. When were they on ps plus?
Started by Dr. Pezus, May 03, 2014, 03:25 PM
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Did you miss them on PS+ then? I have all three but I'm pretty sure I didn't buy them.
Did you miss them on PS+ then? I have all three but I'm pretty sure I didn't buy them.Yeah must have. bought all 3 for $10. When were they on ps plus?
Corporate slaves went on Twitter to attack Drew McCoy a Titanfall developer for posting a picture of a PS4 disc rather than an Xbox One disc. Many of the Xbox fanboys accused Mr. McCoy of "hating on Xbox" which he completely denied.. and some even cancelled their pre-orders for the game.Just what the fudge?
Here is a full article about it from Polygon.
I was lurking on Chartz when I stumbled on this:Fanboyism. These people are the dregs. The lowlifes of the lowlifes. So blinded and consumed by corporate worship that they are actually insulted by someone else's personal preference, common sense business move, or the display of anything belonging to the competitor, in this case. These are not gamers. They are drones who have both programmed themselves and allowed themselves to be programmed for the absolute adoration of a company and complete revulsion of any other. In this particular case, these are most likely the people who never truly understood that Titanfall never belonged to Microsoft and many of whom still live in a fantasy world where the original really was the second coming of gaming Jesus like they shouted. So to them, this is treasonous.
gamrConnect Forums - Microsoft corporate slaves cry over Titanfall 2 developer posting a PS4 disc
Just what the fudge?
I was lurking on Chartz when I stumbled on this:Lol. People get so upset over nothing.
gamrConnect Forums - Microsoft corporate slaves cry over Titanfall 2 developer posting a PS4 disc
Just what the fudge?
Fanboyism. These people are the dregs. The lowlifes of the lowlifes. So blinded and consumed by corporate worship that they are actually insulted by someone else's personal preference, common sense business move, or the display of anything belonging to the competitor, in this case. These are not gamers. They are drones who have both programmed themselves and allowed themselves to be programmed for the absolute adoration of a company and complete revulsion of any other. In this particular case, these are most likely the people who never truly understood that Titanfall never belonged to Microsoft and many of whom still live in a fantasy world where the original really was the second coming of gaming Jesus like they shouted. So to them, this is treasonous.Lol. It's even stupider than you think it is.
This is a Green Disc. It is not green. It is not sexy. It is a disc that you can ask Xbox to sign & print before you go to manufacturing. pic.twitter.com/wgnP5G06DI
— Jon Shiring (@jonshiring) October 3, 2016
Fanboyism. These people are the dregs. The lowlifes of the lowlifes. So blinded and consumed by corporate worship that they are actually insulted by someone else's personal preference, common sense business move, or the display of anything belonging to the competitor, in this case. These are not gamers. They are drones who have both programmed themselves and allowed themselves to be programmed for the absolute adoration of a company and complete revulsion of any other. In this particular case, these are most likely the people who never truly understood that Titanfall never belonged to Microsoft and many of whom still live in a fantasy world where the original really was the second coming of gaming Jesus like they shouted. So to them, this is treasonous.Amen to that. We live in a era that any 12 year old has access to a computer.
VizionEck Cube Royale is releasing this year "I'm Mike Armbrust" -Me |
See that's why I "hated" it. As a one off it was fun but I love all the jank in our industry. The super positive reactions to the show make me worried other companies and Sony next year will repeat it.that's why i hated it too.
that's why i hated it too.There seem to be 2-3 indies announced for PS4 every week. Why should they take up time at E3 as well?
the complete lack of indie titles pissed me off.
There seem to be 2-3 indies announced for PS4 every week. Why should they take up time at E3 as well?same reason any game should be at E3,.. i watch E3 to hear announcements about new games coming to the system i play.
same reason any game should be at E3,.. i watch E3 to hear announcements about new games coming to the system i play.Again, you want a indie announcement? Go to the PS blog and you'll get one almost every day or at least every week. Or just go to their Youtube channel, that thing is full of that shame. E3 is for the big guns, that you don't get to see every day and that's how Sony used it. Frankly I don't need Sony to put another indie game on stage at E3 after they put NMS front and center for two years just for the whole thing to turn into a huge fiasco or stuff like Rime (even though that was Gamescom) where the whole thing just turned out to be nothing but smoke and mirrors anyways.
AAA games release in all 2 genres now and hearing about them is boring as fudge. playstation typically followed the "something for everyone" not the "everything from someone" battleship that ms follows. it's what made me a playstation fan and this E3 was a disappointment.
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