I don't! I get penalized for slowing down for a crawl and making a sharp turn, on track.
Let me get this right, devs poorly code something and I have to "deal with it". It's "my" fault that I'm driving better than they anticipated so they have to penalize me? I'm sorry poor game design is poor game design.
P.S. I love the game
Just post a video because it sounds like you're definition of on track and off track varies a lot compared to us. This ain't a Motorstorm sequel ya know!
Quote from: Xevross Sun Jan 10 2016 20:56:16 GMT+0000 (GMT)
I know you're going to be a sucker and beat me again (=P) but I just did the second skill challenge on the bike tour and go my rank up to 779. And guess who's fudgy 778? You. LNFAO what are the chances
Anyway I did it a few more times and beat you and we've swapped places. I'm now #778 lol