First light was my fastest plat xD
Started by Dr. Pezus, May 03, 2014, 03:25 PM
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"Super easy" yeah right. I hate these friggin' arenas. Always get killed when I'm hitting my stride. Can't be bothered.
Just got ps3 wolf among us free on amazon. They are giving away codes
VizionEck Cube Royale is releasing this year "I'm Mike Armbrust" -Me |
Xev is just a boss apparently.
Great game. Wasn't it just ep 1?
Just got ps3 wolf among us free on amazon. They are giving away codes
My bet is on Xevross (sorry, lol)
i cant wait till me and him play uncharted together. i used to be a boss at uncharted multiplayer and i cant wait to see who kicks whos dog.
My bet is on Xevross (sorry, lol)
good. the better the odds against me the more crow i feed you.
Not top 100 good but maybe top 10k
Spoilers, I'm not very good at third person games. Particularly the aiming
Uncharted 4 will have a lot more players than DC though.
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