XBOX COMMUNITY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Started by Slayer, Sep 05, 2014, 02:13 AM

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This XBOX COMMUNITY thread is a little blue hahaha.

Let's take this conversation to the PlayStation community thread.

I've moved your posts.


Quote from: Raven on Sep 05, 2014, 02:36 AM
I like the fact that saving a clip on the X1 doesn't rip me out of the game and into the Share UI. This isn't so much a problem on the PS4 during single player games but during multiplayer it's a pain in the dog and sometimes the UI takes too dang long to load if there is a lot going on.

As far as exclusives, Titanfall would probably be my favorite so far but I have it on PC. The X1's upcoming lineup really doesn't appeal to me. I don't know enough about Scalebound to be excited about it but it does have my curiosity. Considering that I'm a Halo fan, Halo 5 definitely has my attention.
yeah recording clips is great. just shout "xbox record that"! Im also a big halo fan


Quote from: nnodley on Sep 05, 2014, 02:54 AM
Haven't played any of the exclusives, but am getting the white xbox one sunset overdrive bundle on Oct. 28th.   Will be playing that, ryse, halo master chief collection, forza horizon 2, project spark, and some downloadable games.  As they come out I will get quantum break, halo 5, crackdown, fable legends(sill not sure about that one though), and probably scalebound and phantom dust
congradulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think fable legends will be great. Fables allways been good


Quote from: Riderz1337 on Sep 05, 2014, 03:44 AM
Sunset Overdrive looks like a lot of fun. I hope MS has a big marketing push for it when it comes close to release, because I love Insomniac and even though it's not a PlayStation game I still hope they do well.

Never been a fan of racing games, so Forza Horizon does nothing to me honestly...Driveclub does nothing either in case you were wondering, only reason I have it in my signature is because the game looks good graphically speaking.

Excited to see what Scalebound is, hopefully we get gameplay footage soon.

Also I kind of like EA access and wish it was on PS4. My dads brother loves Fifa so if I was subbed to that we could get Fifa 14...Plus I'm a fan of the Battlefield series so BF4 would be awesome. Also NFS is usually a good time so I would give Rivals a shot. Really don't give a dang about Madden/Football games though.
whats scalebound? people keep mentioning it


oh that dragon game right?!


Quote from: Slayer on Sep 05, 2014, 11:25 PM
oh that dragon game right?!
Yes. Announced at Gamescom. Made by Platinum. Same guys who make Bayonetta and W101.


Quote from: Slayer on Sep 05, 2014, 11:25 PM
whats scalebound? people keep mentioning it
It is a game developed by Platinum... in my view Platinum is overrated but some guys like they games.


yeah scalebound looks cool. hopefully its not too japanese


Quote from: Slayer on Sep 05, 2014, 11:24 PM
congradulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think fable legends will be great. Fables allways been good
yeah the trailer I've watched looked really good.  I got a fable game on PC that I never got around to playing.  Maybe I will play it some tonight if I can get some modeling done.


I didn't get to play fable enough, but that is definitely one game that always interested me in regards to the options of playing. Legends seems a bit more goofy/cartoony which I really like in games in general
"It's hip to be square." - Eurogamer<br />"Shut up its art!" -Legend


Quote from: nnodley on Sep 06, 2014, 02:16 AM
yeah the trailer I've watched looked really good.  I got a fable game on PC that I never got around to playing.  Maybe I will play it some tonight if I can get some modeling done.
your a model?


here's the new topic. Kinect


Cool idea, but it needs work. 


I've never used it, but I doubt I would enjoy it. Motion gaming/no controller gaming is not my thing...I have a PS Move that I've probably used three/four times in the last 2 years.
Legend made me remove this. Everybody riot.


i hatr kinect garbage games. Its great for voice comands and ui stuff.