So there's nothing about drawn to death you think we should at least note for being different? I like developers to take risks and do new things otherwise gaming would become boring very quickly.
I would say doing something different is notable, but not something to applaud unless it's also done well.
Pretty much what Pi-Guy said. Being an edgy and violent game isn't different in today's world. Going with a retro gameplay feel has already been overdone this gen thanks to the ridiculous number of indie titles that already did it. The only notable thing about this game is the artstyle and that alone isn't worth applauding someone for. We have plenty of games that don't aim for realistic visuals. The best games this gen didn't do something different. They refined the elements they used. Stick me in a room with all of them and one thing I certainly won't be is bored. It's far more important that a game be good and appealing than different.
I've seen plenty of hot blondes to not be surprised they exist. Never saw a girl with a hunchback. Not going to sleep with one either if I ever see it. The fact that this game took about two and a half years to release after its announcement instead of 6 months is what killed it. It is releasing in a been-there-done-that-indie-game market that is salivating for the next big adventure or warzone thanks to big developers hitting their stride.