Who was the guy that I was having this discussion with on here again?You weren't arguing the truth of the rumor. You were pissed because you believed it was true and thought it was stupid for Sony to do that. The original rumor was an E3 reveal with a March 2017 release. Which we all debated within the bounds of assuming it was true. Don't go trying to make it sound like "I was right!". You were throwing another fit. Thing is, if this rumor proves true, it makes that whole debate null anyways. Because it means all parties involved will now never know if they were right. The debate was how it would affect sales. Unless it gets announced at E3, we'll never know the outcome. So someone acting as if they were "right" based on this and what the debate was is someone really in need of a pointless, and misplaced, ego boost.
Revealing the PS4 Neo or whatever now, when it's supposed to release late 2016 at the earliest, is just pointless.