PlayStation Community Thread

Started by Dr. Pezus, May 03, 2014, 03:25 PM

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if online gaming is the future, i really wish devs would get their act together on it.   even with how great helldivers is,  the online is totally iced up.   with friends you run into issues and without friends, the playlist is filled with games that are full,  so you can see any that you can actually join..

why has this stuff become such a problem this gen?


if online gaming is the future, i really wish devs would get their act together on it.   even with how great helldivers is,  the online is totally iced up.   with friends you run into issues and without friends, the playlist is filled with games that are full,  so you can see any that you can actually join..

why has this stuff become such a problem this gen?

It's because devs feel a need to include online mp, even when they have no experience with it and need to hit deadlines.

Plus mp is flipping complex to do right. You have issues completely different than traditional development.

As strange as it sounds, special relativly has actually made mp in VizionEck better. With special relativity, you have to understand everything is relative. Every observer sees things differently, and nothing is absolute. It's impossible to even say one event happened before another.

With multiplayer, it's the same thing. Lag causes everyone to experience slightly different experiences. As a dev you need to figure out how all these perspectives can work within another. An understanding of special relativity isn't needed, but it's cirtainly helping me!


It's because devs feel a need to include online mp, even when they have no experience with it and need to hit deadlines.

Plus mp is flipping complex to do right. You have issues completely different than traditional development.

As strange as it sounds, special relativly has actually made mp in VizionEck better. With special relativity, you have to understand everything is relative. Every observer sees things differently, and nothing is absolute. It's impossible to even say one event happened before another.

With multiplayer, it's the same thing. Lag causes everyone to experience slightly different experiences. As a dev you need to figure out how all these perspectives can work within another. An understanding of special relativity isn't needed, but it's cirtainly helping me!
Well im glad you seem to have an understanding.. lol i just want lobbies that work though..  i can get over a bit of lag, aslong as i can find a game, join it and play lol  you do that and im happy lol

Max King of the Wild

Mar 06, 2015, 07:18 AM Last Edit: Mar 06, 2015, 07:23 AM by Max King of the Wild

Yeah she's from Japan.

I've never talked to here, but I talked to the other person that people think was her. Plus I've never read anything from her that's flat out wrong.

She's the best insider on the chertz.

Hey! I was 5/5 on informing people that VGC was wrong with their guesses. First thread was ps4 had greater preorders globally in the USA for Target than XB1. Second was XB1 sales dropped off a cliff and MS was desperately trying to spur sales. I don't remember what the other three were. I think another was xb1 heavily overtracked for March and titanfall didn't sell as much as expected and ps4 undertracked and infamous did a better job spurring sales


Hey! I was 5/5 on informing people that VGC was wrong with their guesses. First thread was ps4 had greater preorders globally in the USA for Target than XB1. Second was XB1 sales dropped off a cliff and MS was desperately trying to spur sales. I don't remember what the other three were. I think another was xb1 heavily overtracked for March and titanfall didn't sell as much as expected and ps4 undertracked and infamous did a better job spurring sales

Well you're in sales, not videogames themselves, so you're not a gaming insider like tachoma.

Your batting average is great. Much better than mine hahaha.


worth it for completing it though

Yeah I'm happy that I managed to do it. I bet none of my friends have the patience to finish all the levels. Those last few are just ridiculous.

I'm not completely leaving the game though, I need to do the daily grind 5 more times and I get a cheap gold trophy :)


Oh man :(
I made a crucial mistake and basically wasted 10 hours of Rorona progress
I really should stop being so picky about not creating dozens of different saves, they'd come in handy in every game


lol if it lets me, i make a new saved file every time, you never know when you might need to go back cause you messed something up.

I think it was kings quest or police quest that started that habbit for me lol


I had a few but one was too late to correct the mistake and the other is a bit early, so...yeah. now i'm trying to catch up cause my OCD is acting up



Mar 07, 2015, 11:54 AM Last Edit: Mar 07, 2015, 01:29 PM by Rorono
I wish Gust would announce an Atelier Dusk trilogy port for the PS4
or a new atelier for the ps4 ><

And i want Sony to bring PSNow to EU...quickly.

Dr. Pezus

Dr. Pezus

Powers (the TV show) is debuting in 2 days. Hope it's good!

Dr. Pezus

The playstation blog is infested with Vita fans lol.


Spots mode in OlliOlli 2 is actually really fun. Nothing too difficult about it, just do what you want really

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