if online gaming is the future, i really wish devs would get their act together on it. even with how great helldivers is, the online is totally iced up. with friends you run into issues and without friends, the playlist is filled with games that are full, so you can see any that you can actually join..
why has this stuff become such a problem this gen?
It's because devs feel a need to include online mp, even when they have no experience with it and need to hit deadlines.
Plus mp is flipping complex to do right. You have issues completely different than traditional development.
As strange as it sounds, special relativly has actually made mp in VizionEck better. With special relativity, you have to understand everything is relative. Every observer sees things differently, and nothing is absolute. It's impossible to even say one event happened before another.
With multiplayer, it's the same thing. Lag causes everyone to experience slightly different experiences. As a dev you need to figure out how all these perspectives can work within another. An understanding of special relativity isn't needed, but it's cirtainly helping me!