PlayStation Community Thread

Started by Dr. Pezus, May 03, 2014, 03:25 PM

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Quote from: Xevross on Feb 19, 2015, 10:43 PM
I have a code and I don't even remember signing up

Anyone want it?



Dr. Pezus


O Pezus, did you forget which thread you're in?

This thread is about PlayStation.

BTW gif looks insane!

Dr. Pezus

Quote from: Legend on Feb 19, 2015, 11:05 PM
O Pezus, did you forget which thread you're in?

This thread is about PlayStation.

BTW gif looks insane!
It's the PS4 version!...hopefully


Meh. It doesn't have its own thread. Until it does I think it's fine to post stuff about it in a thread like this.


Quote from: Raven on Feb 19, 2015, 11:42 PM
Meh. It doesn't have its own thread. Until it does I think it's fine to post stuff about it in a thread like this.

So should the general discussion thread be just off topic?


Quote from: Legend on Feb 19, 2015, 11:44 PM
So should the general discussion thread be just off topic?

General Discussion is just general discussion. I think it's fine that a game coming out on PS4 is being talked about in the PlayStation Community thread. It's when someone went through the trouble of creating a thread to talk specifically about the game that I feel it's both rude and unnecessary to talk about it anywhere else.


Like, imagine the fudgy congestion on this thread alone if we had conversations about both The Order and Bloodborne going on here. It would be stupid. That's why we have separate threads for those. Yet there doesn't seem to be enough interest in Project CARS to warrant its own thread. So until someone wants to or needs to because this thread is overloaded with discussion about it, I say let it be.


I have some kinda vague idea for a game I'd like to make if I had some programing skills that went above some basic VB. :D

I'd like to have a game in which you can simulate to be a console manufacturer and then get to make all the decisions that come with that position, decide what specs and features you're going to implement, what your price will be, your marketing, acquire and manage studios, make game deals with third parties etc. etc. all that to beat your fierce competitors and to come out on top of the (gaming) world.

I think I'd play the shame out of a well realised game about something like this, I know there's Game Dev Tycoon but I don't think that really covers that.



Quote from: DerNebel on Feb 19, 2015, 11:54 PM
I have some kinda vague idea for a game I'd like to make if I had some programing skills that went above some basic VB. :D

I'd like to have a game in which you can simulate to be a console manufacturer and then get to make all the decisions that come with that position, decide what specs and features you're going to implement, what your price will be, your marketing, acquire and manage studios, make game deals with third parties etc. etc. all that to beat your fierce competitors and to come out on top of the (gaming) world.

I think I'd play the shame out of a well realised game about something like this, I know there's Game Dev Tycoon but I don't think that really covers that.

Lots and lots of people here are wanting to make a game. We/they came up with an idea but it fizzled out and is only moving very slowly. Something simpler like this idea would be a nice first game for that group. I like the concept!


Quote from: DerNebel on Feb 19, 2015, 11:54 PM
I have some kinda vague idea for a game I'd like to make if I had some programing skills that went above some basic VB. :D

I'd like to have a game in which you can simulate to be a console manufacturer and then get to make all the decisions that come with that position, decide what specs and features you're going to implement, what your price will be, your marketing, acquire and manage studios, make game deals with third parties etc. etc. all that to beat your fierce competitors and to come out on top of the (gaming) world.

I think I'd play the shame out of a well realised game about something like this, I know there's Game Dev Tycoon but I don't think that really covers that.
Yeah, game dev tycoon could be a lot better. It doesn't do anything very realistically, I guess apart from the chronology.


Quote from: Legend on Feb 19, 2015, 11:56 PM
Lots and lots of people here are wanting to make a game. We/they came up with an idea but it fizzled out and is only moving very slowly. Something simpler like this idea would be a nice first game for that group. I like the concept!
Maybe I'll think about this some more, I'd like something like this to be pretty complex in what you can actually do.

Dr. Pezus

Quote from: Xevross on Feb 20, 2015, 08:42 AM
Yeah, game dev tycoon could be a lot better. It doesn't do anything very realistically, I guess apart from the chronology.
It's aimed more at casuals