PlayStation Community Thread

Started by Dr. Pezus, May 03, 2014, 03:25 PM

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Quote from: Pezus on Jan 17, 2015, 12:51 PM
I considered it but it just isn't worth it imo. I could spend that time playing other games which I'd enjoy a lot more than collectathons
I seem to remember all you had to do in Transistor was just mess around with skill combinations, complete the game twice and do all the mini games to get the plat. Its an excellent game so its definitely worth it.

Dr. Pezus

Quote from: Xevross on Jan 17, 2015, 01:46 PM
I seem to remember all you had to do in Transistor was just mess around with skill combinations, complete the game twice and do all the mini games to get the plat. Its an excellent game so its definitely worth it.
The mini games are the largest part of my issue with getting the plat. Sometimes I fail a few times in a row and I just wonder why I'm even doing this. I've already finished the game, I don't need the trophies.


Gotta love Xbox fanboys. Neverwinter, a mediocre MMORPG, gets an open beta on Xbox One next month and they're cheering it as an exclusive. Yet it was already confirmed to be coming to PS4. I mean, how desperate are you really that getting a beta for a lackluster MMO is enough to pretend that the X1 will be fine for the first half of 2015? Then you have people spreading a lie that it's console exclusive. I guess the PS4 is screwed, guys.


Lol. I played some of it on PC. Liked it..but it had a bad F2P model compared to other games. Last time i read about it it supposedly got worse instead of better. Not many play it anymore i reckon.


Quote from: Raven on Jan 17, 2015, 03:11 PM
Gotta love Xbox fanboys. Neverwinter, a mediocre MMORPG, gets an open beta on Xbox One next month and they're cheering it as an exclusive. Yet it was already confirmed to be coming to PS4. I mean, how desperate are you really that getting a beta for a lackluster MMO is enough to pretend that the X1 will be fine for the first half of 2015? Then you have people spreading a lie that it's console exclusive. I guess the PS4 is screwed, guys.

Speaking of mmos when does the FF expansion come out?


Quote from: Mmm_fish_tacos on Jan 17, 2015, 03:31 PM
Speaking of mmos when does the FF expansion come out?

No clue. The "first half" of patch 2.5 just dropped, patch 2.51 is giving us Gold Saucer in February, and then the "second half" of patch 2.5 hits in March. So if they're still on track for a Spring 2015 release, which I doubt, it might come out in April or May. Speaking of which, did you hear about the three new jobs they're adding? Dark Knight, Astrologian, and Machinist. None of them use a base class.


Quote from: Raven on Jan 17, 2015, 03:42 PM
No clue. The "first half" of patch 2.5 just dropped, patch 2.51 is giving us Golden Saucer in February, and then the "second half" of patch 2.5 hits in March. So if they're still on track for a Spring 2015 release, which I doubt, it might come out in April or May. Speaking of which, did you hear about the three new jobs they're adding? Dark Knight, Astrologian, and Machinist. None of them use a base class.

No didn't. I've been so wrapped up in destiny that I haven't been looking into other games. But I'm at the point now I'm ready for the next dlc so i have time for others games, I just noticed the other day we are getting a expansion for FF. I'm not sure another life stealing time sink is an good idea right now. Lol.


Quote from: Mmm_fish_tacos on Jan 17, 2015, 03:48 PM
No didn't. I've been so wrapped up in destiny that I haven't been looking into other games. But I'm at the point now I'm ready for the next dlc so i have time for others games, I just noticed the other day we are getting a expansion for FF. I'm not sure another life stealing time sink is an good idea right now. Lol.
I've been wanting to get into FF 14 but I'm too poor :(


Quote from: darkknightkryta on Jan 17, 2015, 05:10 PM
I've been wanting to get into FF 14 but I'm too poor :(

It's on sale on psn right now, it comes with a free month.


Quote from: Mmm_fish_tacos on Jan 17, 2015, 05:32 PM
It's on sale on psn right now, it comes with a free month.
Then I can't play after that month.



Quote from: Pezus on Jan 17, 2015, 12:50 PM
The hell are you talking about?

The new the order trailer

Dr. Pezus

Dr. Pezus

Max King of the Wild

Someone should ask that idiot what was so groundbreaking about bayonets 2 other than being nintendo exclusive. As well as smash and mk8