Far Cry 4 is an amazing game!
it is!! im just running around doing random shame xD i also like to grab a bow and arrow, go hunt rhino's as i keep calling my self Oliver queen.
do i have you on PSN, maybe we could play co-op together sometimes?
Started by Dr. Pezus, May 03, 2014, 03:25 PM
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Far Cry 4 is an amazing game!
it is!! im just running around doing random shame xD i also like to grab a bow and arrow, go hunt rhino's as i keep calling my self Oliver queen.
do i have you on PSN, maybe we could play co-op together sometimes?
I don't think so.... my ID is Xevross
Yeah, I love using the bow
im not far in the game at all, i just mess around nothing which is loads of stuff lol.
I have pretty much 50% completeion, almost finished the story Hoewever, I usually just play a game by completing its story first and doing side quests later but I've done so many optional side things on Far Cry 4 before finishing. Definitely one of the GOTYs, just can't decide if it beats Dragon Age
same here
See im different. I usually drop the game after completing its story. Rarely do i go and finish up side quests and shame.
See im different. I usually drop the game after completing its story. Rarely do i go and finish up side quests and shame.
clickbait title tho
they didn't say it's not coming to the vita
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