@bold have you heard of GTA??? its kind of a big deal... I hear it even has many leather bound books, and its floors smell of rich mahogany
more to the point it's not that it was offensive, but rather unnecessary (i think) it only served as a point of interest for the media to keep focus on the game to sell more copies rather than serve the story itself thereby lessening the quality of the story telling in that game
You say that like Modern Warfare 2 tried to construct a cohesive story from the let-go, which it didn't, since it was full of plotholes. But anyway, I never understood why that mission got so popular on the first place. They shouldn't have offered you an option to quit it or anything (Just look at the mission of Killing Castro in Black Ops. You have to do it yes or yes, there's no other way around), just simply accomplish it. It's not like you're playing a +12 game.
Reminded me of when people was shouting that you could bang an alien in Mass Effect 1. Thing got blown out of proportion, just like in Modern Warfare 2. You can romance Liara, and that's it. It's a romance option. And yes, you slaughter a bunch of civilians on Modern Warfare 2 in order to push the envelope for a world war. But that scene on MW2 isn't any different from completing the Warrior's Guild in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, on which you eventually end up slaughtering a whole village, kids included. No one made a fuzz about that.