Battlefield 4 - DICE Suggests Sub 50 Player Limit For Rented Servers On PS4 and Xbox One
With the long requested rent-a-server feature now live for Battlefield 4 across all platforms, it seems that the implementation of the feature isn't going as smoothly as developer DICE had hoped it would.
DICE has issued an update on an occurring issue being investigated in Battlefield 4 where any rented server on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms fails to start due to its 64 player count.
While they are investigating what's causing the servers to fail when they are set for 64 players, DICE has suggested the following as a workaround for the issue:
"While we investigate, we recommend that server administrators who are experiencing this issue set their servers to 50 players or less. We would like to thank those early adopters of the Rent-a-Server Program for Battlefield 4 for their patience during the last few days as we worked on solving the ongoing issues."
In addition, those who are currently renting servers for Battlefield 4 on the aforementioned platforms can expect DICE to add a few more days towards your server lease, which will be free of charge for all of your troubles.