Lol you have to watch this video. This game is full of glitches.
Lol you have to watch this video. This game is full of glitches.
Started by nnodley, May 03, 2014, 12:45 AM
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honestly, aslong as the glitches are game breaking they can be fun if its shame like that.. i cant wait till tomorrow i just scored the night off
Hell yeah! I'm off tomorrow too! Party!
Is anyone else hyping themselves out by the fact that within the next few hours we'll be able to play what is essentially this generation's first GTA-style game??
I think it's silly that some people are freaking out over the first Metacritic counted review from The same reviewer that gave Mass Effect 2, Demon's Souls, and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood an 80.
I think it's silly that some people are freaking out over the first Metacritic counted review from The same reviewer that gave Mass Effect 2, Demon's Souls, and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood an 80.
Why are they freaking out? They think the score is too low or too high?
VizionEck Cube Royale is releasing this year "I'm Mike Armbrust" -Me |
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