I'm not sure if it's irregular, or if it's good now.
But, it'd be fine for a while, then I'd go to the main page and it wouldn't load.
If you ever have issues, try
WebPagetest - Website Performance and Optimization TestThat's the tool I use to check if my issues are local or not.
So why is GAF so against GamerGate...?
It's because the crazies/extreme members of GamerGate are completely delusional.
Plus there are so many things messed up about "GamerGate" itself. Origins are sketchy/weird, many people disagree on what they're even fighting for, and the general media has presented it in a horrible light. Like look at
this. Doesn't matter who put the posters up, it still makes the GamerGate movement look like shame.
The whole thing is just a shame show. IMO it's best to just stay out of that mess. I'll debate ethics and sexism in the industry and I'll actively do what I can to help the industry move forward, but I won't hitch my wagon to a horse I can't control.