The Wrestling Thread

Started by darkknightkryta, May 02, 2014, 09:40 PM

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Thought I'd start up the wrastling thread here as off topic.



The oldest bump in our forum's history!!!!

Dr. Pezus


I didnt realize this thread existed.

Sad that Ambrose lost last night but at least Rollins is still the champ and not Randy Orton or Reigns ;o

New day still champs is surprising for me but I want Acension to stop being jobbers and low tier card and go for the tag champs.

Rusev should of won....

And the IC title should of been held in a match on the PPV but I guess their saving it for Elimination chamber event soon.



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Quote from: BasilZero on May 18, 2015, 06:16 PM
I didnt realize this thread existed.

Sad that Ambrose lost last night but at least Rollins is still the champ and not Randy Orton or Reigns ;o

New day still champs is surprising for me but I want Acension to stop being jobbers and low tier card and go for the tag champs.

Rusev should of won....

And the IC title should of been held in a match on the PPV but I guess their saving it for Elimination chamber event soon.

I know, my friend was telling me how the PPV went down.