PlayStation Community Thread

Started by Dr. Pezus, May 03, 2014, 03:25 PM

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Quote from: Kerotan on Nov 02, 2015, 10:07 AMIf they don't make you laugh then nothing will.  Think I need to hit you on the head with a lamp to lighten you up.... Har Har Har :D
Nah I don't think that's the problem. :D

It's just seeing these people twist and turn everything, look for anything they can use to trash one company and uptalk another, being willing to lie through their teeth just to achieve that goal for a company that doesn't pay them and actually doesn't even want people like them to exist is just pathetic to me. I'm getting a feeling of deja-vú here but looking at these idiotic clowns, who do have a somewhat sizable supporting fanbase, just makes me lose faith in humanity.

And why the heck is that stuff so limited to the Xbox side on Youtube? I mean I know of Doctre for Nintendo, but I think even he has let up on that shame, I don't know about a single PS youtuber that is even close to being as delusional as that group of people, what is going on with the Xbox side that's making these mouth-breathers become so popular? There's even that Red Dragon dude, who tries to make this shame somewhat less immediately apparent but who's still a massive fanboy, essentially doing the same type of shame videos as the other guys who for some freaking reason has 100k subscribers. Seriously 5 years ago we had all this talk about PS fanboys being the worst, going so far that even Jim Sterling wrote an article on the topic, nowadays I'm telling you that this whole thing has shifted in the direction of the Xbox camp and that the new "worst fanboy" is clearly aligned to the Xbox. That isn't even limited to Youtube, we all know some of the really trashy users on the chertz from the Xbox camp (like foodfather) but also a place like the r/xboxone subreddit regularly sees posts about the "biased media", "biased and anti-xbox Neogaf", PS downplaying in some form or another and generally an almost cultlike defensiveness of their brand.

Ok, this turned into quite the rant, but tl;dr would be: What the hell is wrong with the Xbox community at the moment?


Der Nobel just take it easy man.  Remember apart from about 3k people nobody listens to these guys.  And half that do disagree with them.  Their opinions are just for laughs and will never gain traction. B

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QuoteOk, so in 2 cases.

 Sony has promised a free game from a publisher.

 That said publisher, has had problems proviting the game sony has promised..

 In this case something thats already avalible on the PS3.

 People are jumping and blaming the publishers in this case.

 when really it was sony that promised this twice, not the publishers..

 this type of blackmail now will only hurt them in the end..

 they are not going to have a 50+mill install base to start with nextgen and devs and publishers will remember this..

So tell me,  has this come back to haunt Sony?  Zero being the Sony drama Queen!  

Just looked at his post history and it reminded me.  So many Nintendo and Microsoft fanboys have switched to mainly pc gaming over the years.  This would explain why so many pc elitists are anti ps4.

The likes of zero,  chazore and Co often mention console fans but usually include (mainly ps4 fans)  in brackets.  Makes me laugh.




Featured Artist: Emily Rudd


Quote from: kitler53 on Nov 02, 2015, 05:00 PMfire sale.
They must be trying to clear stock. Nobody buys these things.


As if PS4 wasn't going to sell enough already!


Quote from: Legend on Nov 02, 2015, 05:05 PMThey must be trying to clear stock. Nobody buys these things.
exactly.  clearing stock so they can make more room for xbox in order the handle the holiday rush.

i mean seriously,. last november xbox was at nearly 10 million shipped and now they are at over 24 million.  xbox is on track to have a 20 million year.  xbox is the best selling xbox afterall.

Featured Artist: Emily Rudd



Quote from: kitler53 on Nov 02, 2015, 05:28 PMexactly.  clearing stock so they can make more room for xbox in order the handle the holiday rush.

i mean seriously,. last november xbox was at nearly 10 million shipped and now they are at over 24 million.  xbox is on track to have a 20 million year.  xbox is the best selling xbox afterall.
I understood that reference :P




So after finding out about the PSVR coming with an external computation unit (which apparently was neither news nor does the unit do what I thought it would but whatever) I've been wondering, how open would you be and how open do you think the market would be to an PS4 add-on to increase the systems computational capabilities, kinda like the Ram expansion pak for the N64?

Depending on how cheap they could make the add-on and how good looking (or at least unintrusive looking) they could make something like that, assuming it's possible at all, I really don't have that kind of technical knowledge, I'd definitely be up for something like that. Imagine if at E3 2016 or 2017 they'd announce this add-on for like $50 (probably an unrealistic price), which would increase the power of the system enough to consistently achieve the 1080p/60fps gold standard as well as other improvements over the standalone PS4 (which should of course still be able to run all PS4 games) and if it even worked retroactively on PS4 games released earlier for example making Bloodborne 60fps and reducing its loadtimes etc.

Would you get something like that? Do you think the average consumer would?


Quote from: DerNebel on Nov 03, 2015, 12:16 AMSo after finding out about the PSVR coming with an external computation unit (which apparently was neither news nor does the unit do what I thought it would but whatever) I've been wondering, how open would you be and how open do you think the market would be to an PS4 add-on to increase the systems computational capabilities, kinda like the Ram expansion pak for the N64?

Depending on how cheap they could make the add-on and how good looking (or at least unintrusive looking) they could make something like that, assuming it's possible at all, I really don't have that kind of technical knowledge, I'd definitely be up for something like that. Imagine if at E3 2016 or 2017 they'd announce this add-on for like $50 (probably an unrealistic price), which would increase the power of the system enough to consistently achieve the 1080p/60fps gold standard as well as other improvements over the standalone PS4 (which should of course still be able to run all PS4 games) and if it even worked retroactively on PS4 games released earlier for example making Bloodborne 60fps and reducing its loadtimes etc.

Would you get something like that? Do you think the average consumer would?

I would,  but currently it's not possible.  If the PS4 had usb 3.2 it would be possible to run a second gpu, but probably not in an sli configuration unless the add on had 2 gpus inside of it and at that point they might as well just make ps4.5


Quote from: DerNebel on Nov 03, 2015, 12:16 AMSo after finding out about the PSVR coming with an external computation unit (which apparently was neither news nor does the unit do what I thought it would but whatever) I've been wondering, how open would you be and how open do you think the market would be to an PS4 add-on to increase the systems computational capabilities, kinda like the Ram expansion pak for the N64?

Depending on how cheap they could make the add-on and how good looking (or at least unintrusive looking) they could make something like that, assuming it's possible at all, I really don't have that kind of technical knowledge, I'd definitely be up for something like that. Imagine if at E3 2016 or 2017 they'd announce this add-on for like $50 (probably an unrealistic price), which would increase the power of the system enough to consistently achieve the 1080p/60fps gold standard as well as other improvements over the standalone PS4 (which should of course still be able to run all PS4 games) and if it even worked retroactively on PS4 games released earlier for example making Bloodborne 60fps and reducing its loadtimes etc.

Would you get something like that? Do you think the average consumer would?
There's no way the average consumer would buy that.  If I recall correctly, the RAM thing for the N64 had difficulties with consumers.  
I would probably not buy it either.  


Quote from: Mmm_fish_tacos on Nov 03, 2015, 12:41 AMI would,  but currently it's not possible.  If the PS4 had usb 3.2 it would be possible to run a second gpu, but probably not in an sli configuration unless the add on had 2 gpus inside of it and at that point they might as well just make ps4.5
Well even current USB 3.0 in the PS4 would be technically fast enough since it's a closed system and programing could work around that limitation, but that would be so much work.

Just upgrading the PS4 like the new 3DS would be a lot smarter.


Quote from: Legend on Nov 03, 2015, 03:17 AMWell even current USB 3.0 in the PS4 would be technically fast enough since it's a closed system and programing could work around that limitation, but that would be so much work.

Just upgrading the PS4 like the new 3DS would be a lot smarter.
I'd be willing to trade my ps4 towards a ps4.5 if they did it. I'm not sure if it's a software issue or a hardware issue, but the dang store getting stuck if you're online for to long before you try to go into it. Gaf was saying it's memory leak. But I'm not sure anyone can really pinpoint the exact issue except for sony. I'd be willing to buy a new ps4 just to fix that.

But on the 1080 60 issues, if developers stayed with in their limits then the ps4 could handle 1080p 60 with every game. But performance isn't always the top priority.