L2/R2 were best mapped to the back touch screen, just took a while to get used to. I also never understood why Sony or a 3rd party didn't make little clip on L2/R2 buttons that'd just physically press the rear touch screen.it was kind of fun in little deviants. but yeah,.. it's the kind of thing i think nintendo would have made a lot of "gimmick" use of but sony pretty much ignored it themselves which really made it useless. it's like the hardware team wanted to be nintendo-like but they never talked to anyone on the software teams. nintendo clearly at least has the hardware and software teams talking more.
Also yeah no way would a new handheld have back touch again. They really struggled with making it come across as a useful feature.
for fudges sake,.. the dual sense has lots of functionality that no one but astro bot has used. it blows my mind that monkey ball supports motion control input but you can't use them on ps5. i don't personally love gyro control shooters but sony should mandate that in their games at least.