PlayStation Community Thread

Started by Dr. Pezus, May 03, 2014, 03:25 PM

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Quote from: Raven on Jan 09, 2015, 03:28 AM
Well if you're like me it's because you just can't get into Remedy's kind of game design. Plus, there is nothing going on in that game that hasn't essentially been done before. Freezing time? Slow motion? Time reversal? All done before. The game is basically one gimmick mechanic with mediocre third-person shooter action. It also seems to have a rather uninteresting setting from what we've seen. I'm just not sure what ANY of the hype about the game is. It's the same problem I have with people hyping The Order. It's Gears of War in alternate Victorian London with slow motion, cinematic melee, and no multiplayer. It could be awesome but there is little reason to sing many praises about it right now outside of its visuals.
Thing is, The Order isn't trying to be much more.  Ready at Dawn is just trying to make a solid title that I'm sure the guys have been wanting to make for a while.  They're not trying to do anything new.  My problem with Quantum Break is more or less internet fans.  Remedy, is as you said, over rated.  It's just that MS fans will shame on The Order for trying to be a very well made title, then get a hard on for Quantum Break saying it's doing "This and that" while not doing anything new, nor anything that Remedy themselves hasn't done before.  Plus the overall "gaming journalism" elitist problem.  Like others have mentioned, there's very little actual QTEs in the game. Whatever is there is nothing more than guides.  If you're going to shame on The Order, go back into your Arkham reviews and shame on them for having them.


Yeah, like I said, the 25-35 min PSX demo had only one section with QTEs, like 30 seconds total. Worse thing is that it's not just fanboys on one side slinging that mud (that would be "normal" as uninformed criticism happens often) but from "professionals" like gamespot and eurogamer? That's just stupid.


Quote from: darkknightkryta on Jan 10, 2015, 02:43 PM
Thing is, The Order isn't trying to be much more.  Ready at Dawn is just trying to make a solid title that I'm sure the guys have been wanting to make for a while.  They're not trying to do anything new.  My problem with Quantum Break is more or less internet fans.  Remedy, is as you said, over rated.  It's just that MS fans will shame on The Order for trying to be a very well made title, then get a hard on for Quantum Break saying it's doing "This and that" while not doing anything new, nor anything that Remedy themselves hasn't done before.  Plus the overall "gaming journalism" elitist problem.  Like others have mentioned, there's very little actual QTEs in the game. Whatever is there is nothing more than guides.  If you're going to shame on The Order, go back into your Arkham reviews and shame on them for having them.

I agree that Xbox fans have over-inflated the significance of Quantum Break and praise it for things it really doesn't deserve praise for. Remedy is an overrated development team. They're really good but they don't deserve the near god-tier treatment they've been getting from that fanbase. There is definitely a difference there between who says what about Quantum Break and The Order. My problem with people who hype The Order the way some of them do is that it's bordering on a near mindless praise of Ready at Dawn. Now they proved to be a studio capable of taking someone else's work and making great games with it but they've never made their own. It's also their first time making a console game from scratch. I've heard people rip into other games for not having multiplayer but then give The Order a pass. It's not on the level of Quantum Break but it's still irritating to read or listen to.


Quote from: Raven on Jan 10, 2015, 07:14 PM
I agree that Xbox fans have over-inflated the significance of Quantum Break and praise it for things it really doesn't deserve praise for. Remedy is an overrated development team. They're really good but they don't deserve the near god-tier treatment they've been getting from that fanbase. There is definitely a difference there between who says what about Quantum Break and The Order. My problem with people who hype The Order the way some of them do is that it's bordering on a near mindless praise of Ready at Dawn. Now they proved to be a studio capable of taking someone else's work and making great games with it but they've never made their own. It's also their first time making a console game from scratch. I've heard people rip into other games for not having multiplayer but then give The Order a pass. It's not on the level of Quantum Break but it's still irritating to read or listen to.

I've read that often about RAD and can't say I agree with that line of thought. Gaming history is full of examples of

a) people who took someone else's work and botched it up
b) ruined (or very inferior) sequels, spiritual sequels and spin offs made by the original creators

So if even the creators can mess up their own foundations, i'd say it's not fair to dismiss merit from what RAD did on the PSP.
Just as an example, many would say their GOWs were better than Ascension. And while it's true Ascension had some different key people, it was still Santa Monica.
Devs can't just take the base system (like a combat system) and leave it at that, there's pacing, there's level design, there's writing, there's boss encounters, puzzle design, so many things...


Quote from: Rorono on Jan 10, 2015, 09:32 PM
I've read that often about RAD and can't say I agree with that line of thought. Gaming history is full of examples of

a) people who took someone else's work and botched it up
b) ruined (or very inferior) sequels, spiritual sequels and spin offs made by the original creators

So if even the creators can mess up their own foundations, i'd say it's not fair to dismiss merit from what RAD did on the PSP.
Just as an example, many would say their GOWs were better than Ascension. And while it's true Ascension had some different key people, it was still Santa Monica.
Devs can't just take the base system (like a combat system) and leave it at that, there's pacing, there's level design, there's writing, there's boss encounters, puzzle design, so many things...

I'm sure you could also find examples of studios who did well with someone else's creation and failed at their own throughout history. Until a studio achieves it there is no reason to just simply accept they will succeed with it because of past success doing something else. Studios even fail with their own established franchises, as you've pointed out. Which doesn't actually help your case but rather further illustrates that blindly accepting it will be good because of past success isn't rational. Sometimes with the very first sequel a studio will fail with an IP that was initially successful.

The God of War games had been established in their formula for awhile. Todd Papy's team at Santa Monica broke the formula and it seemed pretty clear the game was more of a cash-in and experiment in mutliplayer than an honest attempt at creating a good God of War title. They tried to force in mutliplayer, tell an unnecessary prequel story, and it didn't help that by that time people just weren't ready for yet another God of War game. There is actually a ton they can do wrong by moving away from IPs with an established blueprint. You can actually mirror a lot of the previous work and find just enough ways to tweak it to make it different but largely the same.

I'm not saying that Ready at Dawn deserves no merit. I am however saying that automatically accepting The Order will be great because they succeeded in making PSP games based on someone else's franchises is setting yourself up for disappointment. The fact remains that this is new territory for them. The same way that The Old Republic, an MMORPG, was relatively new territory for Bioware but they screwed it up despite having been well known for their big, successful RPGs. Look at what just happened to Bungie with Destiny. A far cry from the universal acclaim the Halo franchise received. Both of those companies got free hype passes because of their past and those games were elevated to near godlike status. When studios like Bioware and Bungie can essentially fail it's a very stupid idea to give mindless praise to Ready at Dawn who has only done three games and none of which were their own creation.


But who said it's just because of the PSP games? That's just a slice of reassurance, if anything. It's that combined what what we've seen, what we know and maybe, in some cases, what we imagine. The game is what sold me, not RAD nor their track record.

Btw... i re-checked that BCO News youtube channel and saw the About page
google translate:

"BCO NEWS is a news professional broadcaster headquartered in London.
The local news I've been calling all over the world every day.
Currently, in response to the pretty that old unknown bone was discovered in London,
By switching all of the news, whether there is an unknown thing of the relevant age,
You are beginning to follow the chain of events."

Want moar viral videos :1
Shouldn't the marketing campaign start this week? They are cutting it a bit close. Then again they can only share so much on such a story heavy game..


Quote from: Rorono on Jan 10, 2015, 11:59 PM
But who said it's just because of the PSP games? That's just a slice of reassurance, if anything. It's that combined what what we've seen, what we know and maybe, in some cases, what we imagine. The game is what sold me, not RAD nor their track record.

Ask yourself this question. Was I talking about you? I'm talking about the people who say that The Order will be great because it's being made by Ready at Dawn. The ones who act like there is no reason to be critical about anything we've seen so far simply because it's RAD. The ones who praised it even before we saw actual gameplay... because it's RAD. Point is, there are plenty of people who will praise something while knowing little about it and dismiss any and all criticisms because of who it's being made by. That's stupid and those are the people who irritate me. Like I said, the same kind of people praising Quantum Break from the beginning "because Remedy".


Continuing the subject of The Order, regardless of good or mixed reviews, whatever happens i hope it does well enough for a sequel.
The game has been in development for 4 years. However, much of that time and effort had to go into the engine and tools. It's the kind of limitations that ND went through when making the very first Uncharted, with the added difficulty of having less people on the studio in the case of RAD. With the engine and tools out of the way, the sequel will have room to improve on everything that might have been disappointing in the first game. Room for a U1->U2 like jump.


I'm really hoping the game delivers with their soft body physics. They've talked a lot about the possibilities, but we've never seen that really in game.


Isn't that seen on cloth physics + destructible environments and objects? For examples their coats and the destruction of stuff like tea cups, trays, food and pans in the PSX demo And the wood + brick deforming at E3

Dr. Pezus


PS4 Games:
1   Grand Theft Auto V
2   Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition
3   Battlefield 4
4   The Walking Dead: Season Two
5   Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
6   Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
7   Game of Thrones: Season 1, Ep1. Iron From Ice
8   The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season
9   Dragon Age: Inquisition
10   Far Cry 4
11   Terraria
12   The Crew
13   Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
14   Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry
15   Madden NFL 15
16   Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
17   Diablo III: Reaper of Souls – Ultimate Evil Edition
18   NBA 2K15
19   Destiny
20   Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

PS3 Games:
1   Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition
2   Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
3   Battlefield 4
4   South Park: The Stick of Truth
5   Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
6   FIFA 15
7   Destiny
8   Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
9   Gran Turismo 6
10   Assassin's Creed Liberation HD
11   Far Cry Classic
12   Terraria
13   Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry
14   Far Cry 4
15   Game of Thrones: Season 1, Ep1. Iron From Ice
16   Madden NFL 15
17   Slender: The Arrival
18   Grand Theft Auto V
19   NBA 2K15
20   Pro Evolution Soccer 2015

PS Vita Games:
1   Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition
2   Sword Art Online -Hollow Fragment-
3   The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
4   Child of Light
5   Terraria
6   Don't Starve: Giant Edition
7   Hotline Miami
8   Freedom Wars
9   Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
10   Soul Sacrifice Delta

PS Classics:
1   Suikoden II
2   Suikoden
4   Bully
5   Crash Bandicoot
6   CTR: Crash Team Racing
7   Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
8   Crash Bandicoot 3: WARPED
9   Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
10   Resident Evil 2



PS4 Games:
Grand Theft Auto V (1)
FIFA 15 (13)
Game of Thrones: Season 1 (New)
Dragon Age: Inquisition (6)
Battlefield 4 (Re-entry)
Minecraft (7)
The Last of Us Remastered (RE)
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare (2)
Far Cry 4 (5)
PES 2015 Pro Evolution Soccer (16)
The Crew (New)
Assassin's Creed Unity (3)
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (RE)
Need for Speed Rivals (RE)
Trials Fusion (19)
The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season (8)
Tales from the Borderlands (New)
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (New)
Valiant Hearts: The Great War (RE)
The Walking Dead: Season Two (9)

PS Vita Games:
Minecraft (1)
LittleBigPlanet PlayStation Vita (RE)
FIFA 15 (7)
Assassin's Creed III Liberation (RE)
The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy (RE)
Tearaway (RE)
Ys: Memories of Celceta (RE)
Need for Speed Most Wanted (RE)
Freedom Wars (4)
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment (14)
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (3)
Terraria (RE)
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (RE)
WipEout 2048 (RE)
Child of Light (RE)
The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season (20)
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (12)
Uncharted: Golden Abyss (RE)
Ridge Racer (RE)
Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour Edition (RE)

PS3 Games:
FIFA 15 (3)
Grand Theft Auto V (RE)
Minecraft (2)
Enemy Front (RE)
Grand Theft Auto IV (RE)
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (RE)
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare (1)
Need for Speed Most Wanted (RE)
Gran Turismo 6 (6)
God of War: Ascension (RE)

PS one and PS2 Classics:
Crash Bandicoot (1)
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (5)
Spyro The Dragon Trilogy (9)
Final Fantasy VII (10)
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (RE)
Final Fantasy VIII (RE)
Rayman (RE)
Driver (RE)
Tekken 2 (RE)
Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped (2)


Apparently BCO News (The Order viral yt channel) uploaded a video..
that i can't watch cause it's not available in my country. Probably Japan only :\


Quote from: Rorono on Jan 13, 2015, 10:02 AM
Apparently BCO News (The Order viral yt channel) uploaded a video..
that i can't watch cause it's not available in my country. Probably Japan only :\

A guy gets hit by a car going 60mph. As everyone is gathered around him with police arriving, he drinks from a vial around his neck, gets up, and runs away. Everyone is baffled.

There were Japanese subtitles but the links are to German sites.


Are you making it up or did you manage to watch it?