Star Citizen

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Started by Raven, Jan 23, 2017, 05:40 AM

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Here is a list of things expected to have been completed for 3.0 this week. This list is based on the expected completion dates from the 3.0 schedule report. Some of these things may not end up actually being completed this week and may end up being postponed to a later date. Though until told otherwise, it is assumed these things met their target dates.

May 31st
- New Message Queue: Streamlining messages with less overhead along with features that will help with packet loss and jitters to help reduce bandwidth and latency
- Stamina: This mechanic will bring temporary consequences to some of the actions you perform such as sprinting for too long which will cause fatigue and make aiming difficult
- Doors & Airlocks: An update to how doors and airlocks work so that they operate intelligently depending on if the room beyond is pressurized or not
- Planetary Tech: Implementation of the physics grids for planets and modular space stations
- Solar System Tool: No information
- Entity Update Component Scheduler: Lower priority entities will be updated less frequently to improve framerate and allow for more content to be added
- Missions System: The overall system used to create mission flows

June 1st
- Item 2.0 Ship Conversion Part 1: The first part of a process to completely convert all currently available ships to the Item 2.0 system
- Kiosk Support: A support UI for kiosks used to buy and sell cargo
- Inventory System Support: This will offer a way for the player to manage the cargo stored in the ships they own
- Mission Board App: An app that will allow players to see service beacons set up around the universe by other players
- Klaus and Werner Gallant Rifle: This rework will now be ready for use when 3.0 releases

June 2nd
- Surface Outposts: The moons will have outposts on their surface to explore
- Mission Givers: Actual in-game NPCs with character models that give you particular missions to complete in addition to the more simplistic randomized/dynamic missions
- Insurance: The first iteration of the insurance system which you can use to request a replacement ship should your current one be rendered damaged beyond repair
- Cargo: Commodities purchased at a kiosk will become physical objects to be transported in your cargo hold
- Commodities: Implementing items to represent units of tradeable cargo
- Persistent Damage, Ammo, and Missiles: This will save the state of your vehicle instead of refreshing it every new play session
- Rover and Dragonfly in Ships: The Ursa Rover and the Dragonfly will be able to be transported in ships large enough to hold them
- IFCS Performance Improvements: The IFCS system will now work in batch updates to improve performance
- Mission Manager App: A redesign of the current Mission App that will allow for more control over mission tracking
- MobiGlas Overhaul: This will allow the mobiGlas system to better read what the gamecode is doing and make it easier for the UI team to maintain
- Environment Probe: This will allow for bounced lighting and reflections to be updated dynamically
- Physics Serialization: Fixing some long standing threading issues by improving separation of physics and netcode
- RSI Ursa Rover: This vehicle will now be ready for use when 3.0 releases