How do you like to deal with snow shoveling?

Started by Legend, Feb 26, 2018, 05:06 AM

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I like to just do the sidewalks and leave the rest since I love snow.

My dad hates it and even shovels the yard some years. HBU?


I just let the sun deal with kt


We just shovel off the porches.  Dad uses his tractor for the driveway.  

I just let the sun deal with kt
I can tell who lives in a warm climate.  
Why else would someone wait 3 months for snow to be dealt with.  


I just let the sun deal with kt
How often do you get snow?


How often do you get snow?
Once a year lol. If we get it. We haven't had a proper snow in for like... 3 years. And a proper snow in in our terms, not yours.

Dr. Pezus

It melts when it sees me


It melts when it sees me
Can confirm Pezus is 98.6 degrees. Warm enough to melt.  

And a proper snow in in our terms, not yours.
What's a proper snow in your terms?  


I use gas and a match.