So apparently Sony is just straight up shutting games down with no prior announcement? (StarHawk)

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Started by Legend, Jul 02, 2018, 02:16 PM

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Online games will always have an expiration date simply based on the active player base, I'm pretty sure Starhawk was already essentially unplayable online anyways. And we have enough "backlash" and "outrage" over dumb shame online already, we don't need people constructing imaginary scenarios that have them totally picking something like Starhawk back up in 2020 or so, so they can now act mad because this game that most people haven't played at all and that even people who played it haven't touched in 5 years is going offline.

Again nothing to do with Starhawk ouside of it being a game losing servers.

Lacking people to play with is not the same thing since that can be managed by communities/the players themselves.

Outrage would be extreme for this but backlash makes sense. Especially since lots of times these games aren't as old and still have regular players.

I think the thing you're missing is the perspective of people who think of their games as a collection. Many people buy and sell their games, but personally I never sell them and I pull out old systems a few times a year.