Elite: Dangerous OT: job simulator 3304 AD

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Started by Legend, Oct 15, 2015, 01:05 AM

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I ended up reading wikipedia about Elite. Wowza was I in the dark.

First Elite came out in 1984 and had practically all the same gameplay possibilities as Elite Dangerous.

Had piracy, trade, military missions, bounty hunting, and asteroid mining just with a smaller scope. Consisted of 8 galaxies with 256 planets each, and every star had exactly one star with one orbital. Was literally the first 3d open world and first open ended game. Apparently was industry defining and I'm a young dweebo for not knowing about it. Elite 30 years later: Comparing screenshots from 1984 and 2014 | GamesBeat | Games | by Dan Crawley

Then Frontier: Elite 2 released in 1993, the same year as Star Fox.

Added complex star systems, planetary landings with cities, millions of planets, true 1 to 1 scale with real space, and accurate newtonian mechanics.

So Elite Dangerous not only looks promising, but it's made by developers that have an extremely good track record and know what they're doing.

Plus I learned that Frontier had a cancelled 2006 FPS even. Used procedural generation for story.

By gosh they might actually succeed with their incredible lofty expansion goals.