PlayStation Community Thread

Started by Dr. Pezus, May 03, 2014, 03:25 PM

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So after I loved the first mission of Nier, I've been finding it kind of... bad. Ish. I'm starting to find the combat tedious instead of fun and all the quests in this open world like section have been super boring and there's pretty much no story going on.

I'm hoping it picks up soon because I'm rapidly losing interest right now


I'll never understand announcements for release day announcements. They should have just said they're holding an event where they are revealing new information and let the speculation go wild
You do have a point but any article is promoting the game so they see it as the more the merrier.


Picked up God of War 3 Remastered in the PSN sale! Excited to play it l.
Legend made me remove this. Everybody riot.



0/0 is infinity.  Scalebound is the best game possible.  


0/0 is infinity.  Scalebound is the best game possible.  
That's not infinity. That's someone patting an Xbox fan on the head to ease them through this.


That's not infinity. That's someone patting an Xbox fan on the head to ease them through this.

And lol is a man drowning.


0/0 is infinity.  Scalebound is the best game possible.  
No its not! You're just grasping at straws! Filthy xbot


No its not! You're just grasping at straws! Filthy xbot
I'm not grasping at straws, I'm grasping at my calculator.  


I'm not grasping at straws, I'm grasping at my calculator.  
What kind of calculator gives infinity for 0/0?  :o


What kind of calculator gives infinity for 0/0?  :o
The ones where they don't give you a divide by zero error.  

Or something, I don't know. :(


The ones where they don't give you a divide by zero error.  

Or something, I don't know. :(
Do those actually exist? All the ones I've ever had say math error to that


The ones where they don't give you a divide by zero error.  

Or something, I don't know. :(
My students got an "Infinity" in their java program today


NeoGAF - View Single Post -  Possible Sony trademark for something called "Sleepwalker".

From this thread for a different trademark:
Originally Posted by FelipeMGM

 Registered by the same company and representatives and its under classes 9 and 41, which are used for videogames trademarks



Bit the bullet and got Nier, hope it was worth it. 70€ -.-

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