Yeah and that is really cool but I just think surely the team must get bored creating MLB every single year. They should be given a chance to show their creativity and flex their talent. I mean Guerilla had a stigma attached with them, unfairly I might add as the Killzone studio and the reputation of the Halo killer. Despite Sony's best efforts it did not resonate with more than 2 or 3 million people and that was even with Killzone 2 being a fantastic game and one of the best reviewed games of 2009. But now people have seen Horizon we are starting to see what they really are capable of and that they could be a top studio who were stuck on a stagnant I.P. Horizon could be a game that resonates with more than 3 million people and a huge franchise for Sony. I don't see why SCE San Diego cannot do that, especially as they made the well reviewed Mark of Kri in the PS2 era, so clearly it's in their DNA to create good I.P. It's why the inevitable Bend and Santa Monica announcements are so exciting. Bend really have to create a new I.P as they have nothing big to go back to and Santa Monica must know after Ascension people are wanting a different God of War experience or a new game altogether.
How do you feel about Horizon? When I first saw it I was super hyped, way more hyped than I've ever been for any game. Whenever anything new comes out about it, I get so excited because it just looks so amazing and it has such a huge potential to be huge. That is the reason, however, that I'm really worried about it. Guerilla have never worked on anything like this before and I'm quite scared that they're going to mess it up and ruin Horizon's name so it can never become a huge franchise.
I cannot wait to see what Santa Monica are doing, the God of War games are incredible and I would be super happy if they just made a new one with a few fresh ideas and a new story, because I love that formula. I also really want to see what Sucker Punch are doing, Second Son was an awesome game.
More than anything though, I want TLG to live up to the hype.