PlayStation Community Thread

Started by Dr. Pezus, May 03, 2014, 03:25 PM

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Quote from: Raven on Feb 07, 2016, 09:28 PM
Don't do this to me!


I don't even want another crash!



I only want a new Crash to see the reaction and what it can do in todays market, I've always been a Spyro kid myself.


Quote from: DerNebel on Feb 07, 2016, 10:04 PMI only want a new Crash to see the reaction and what it can do in todays market, I've always been a Spyro kid myself.
I never played Spyro but I did play a little of the first Crash game. Which is really odd. For some reason, I want them to bring Crash back but I never really cared enough to buy any of the Crash games or put time into the ones I got to try a long time ago. I'm not sure if it's some kind of misplaced nostalgia of the old PlayStation days mixed with a more open mind today. Back then I was REALLY picky about what I played. I would just really like to see the old formula brought back with some modern twists and see if they can give him the same kind of attitude he had and make it work.


Quote from: Raven on Feb 07, 2016, 10:12 PMI never played Spyro but I did play a little of the first Crash game. Which is really odd. For some reason, I want them to bring Crash back but I never really cared enough to buy any of the Crash games or put time into the ones I got to try a long time ago. I'm not sure if it's some kind of misplaced nostalgia of the old PlayStation days mixed with a more open mind today. Back then I was REALLY picky about what I played. I would just really like to see the old formula brought back with some modern twists and see if they can give him the same kind of attitude he had and make it work.
I only ever played the Crash demo that was included in one of the Spyro games and not much else back then. But I wasn't in a position to actually buy games at that point anyway and Spyro was pretty much the only series on PS I actually followed during the PS1 days and even overall I only followed handheld Zelda and a little later Pokemon back then. Outside of these games, I was open to pretty much anything, but didn't care enough for anything else that I really wanted to have it. It wasn't until the PS2 (which I got to play a Spyro game that turned out to be horrible) that I got more into following gaming, developed a passion for Final Fantasy and other JRPGs and started to get a lot more picky in what I would play.

Then I was extremely picky for most of the PS2 and PS3 era in what kind of genres I'd play or even which devs I'd give the time of the day. But I feel like I'm becoming more open again, maybe because it's not such a huge undertaking for me to afford a videogame anymore, all I know is that looking at what I'm interested in in 2016 and beyond there's a much larger variety in genres and devs behind those games than there were in the last couple years. I'm still largely uninterested in most of the output of the big western publishers though, Cods, AssCreeds or even things like the Division simply don't excite me.


Quote from: DerNebel on Feb 07, 2016, 10:56 PMI only ever played the Crash demo that was included in one of the Spyro games and not much else back then. But I wasn't in a position to actually buy games at that point anyway and Spyro was pretty much the only series on PS I actually followed during the PS1 days and even overall I only followed handheld Zelda and a little later Pokemon back then. Outside of these games, I was open to pretty much anything, but didn't care enough for anything else that I really wanted to have it. It wasn't until the PS2 (which I got to play a Spyro game that turned out to be horrible) that I got more into following gaming, developed a passion for Final Fantasy and other JRPGs and started to get a lot more picky in what I would play.

Then I was extremely picky for most of the PS2 and PS3 era in what kind of genres I'd play or even which devs I'd give the time of the day. But I feel like I'm becoming more open again, maybe because it's not such a huge undertaking for me to afford a videogame anymore, all I know is that looking at what I'm interested in in 2016 and beyond there's a much larger variety in genres and devs behind those games than there were in the last couple years. I'm still largely uninterested in most of the output of the big western publishers though, Cods, AssCreeds or even things like the Division simply don't excite me.
I agree with most of what what you say.  I am very disinterested in most games.  I'm only really excited for Gravity Rush 2, Street Fighter 5, Persona 5, Uncharted 4, Horizon.  Nice list, but that's for the foreseeable future.  Games have become so cookie cutter and so stripped down.  There's very little gameplay in them, and no, I don't think they're filled with cutscenes either (As is a misconception from some people).  There used to be solid game design, now it's all gone.  

What do I think of Crash in all this?  I'm not sure, platformers is a dead genre (Unless you're Mario sheep, no offence).  The new Ratchet title is probably going to flop, which is terrible cause they're very "adventurous".  You get to travel, collect things, etc.  Very few games offer that anymore and no, stupid fetch quests where you're looking for some feather under a bridge that you need a strategy guide to tell you where it is, doesn't count.  So it'd be nice if this title is amazing, but I honestly don't think there's a market for it.


Quote from: Raven on Feb 07, 2016, 09:28 PM
This is like some girl sending you teases for months on end.  
"lol you can almost see my nipple in this photo"
"I need a man like you"
"I bet  your hands would feel pretty good in here."

Then you look at her, and she's like "RAPE!"

Dang teasers.  


Quote from: Legend on Feb 07, 2016, 09:54 PMI don't even want another crash!
Shut your mouth!  
You'll get one and you'll like it!  

Dr. Pezus

Quote from: the-Pi-guy on Feb 07, 2016, 11:27 PMThis is like some girl sending you teases for months on end.  
"lol you can almost see my nipple in this photo"
"I need a man like you"
"I bet  your hands would feel pretty good in here."

Then you look at her, and she's like "RAPE!"

Dang teasers.  

Mister Pi!!!


Quote from: Dr. Pezus on Feb 07, 2016, 11:46 PMMister Pi!!!
I didn't do it!  

Raven looked at her!