Started by Dr. Pezus, May 03, 2014, 03:25 PM
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It's gonna be a baseball game! Just kidding. HYPE! This is going to be good.
It's not 1080p doe
It's gonna be 1080p after the day 1 patch.
On another note, Arkham Knight is looking worse and worse from an art perspective.
VizionEck Cube Royale is releasing this year "I'm Mike Armbrust" -Me |
Thatgamecompany's new game was rumored to be Xbox One exclusive and built for kinect. If that rumor was true, I wonder how things have changed now that kinect is optional.
The source is Tidux, and he puts "#PS4" in the tweet.
VizionEck Cube Royale is releasing this year "I'm Mike Armbrust" -Me |
So game not exclusive anymore and works with ps camera?
Or are we thinking the first rumor was bs?
Maybe everything is bs
VizionEck Cube Royale is releasing this year "I'm Mike Armbrust" -Me |
Thatgamecompany's new game was rumored to be Xbox One exclusive and built for kinect. If that rumor was true, I wonder how things have changed now that kinect is optional.
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