NetEase acquired a minority stake in Quantic Dream and they will make multiplats from now on.
Can't say that I'm too surprised or broken up about this. I believe I mentioned before how I think, that QD can't really grow with the games they are making (in terms of the financial performance), as they are pretty much capped out. Which is rather problematic for a studio whose games aren't exactly massive successes, but continue to strive to be AAA. Those games aren't getting cheaper, so it was pretty much just a matter of time until it wasn't worth it for Sony to keep funding those projects any more. Also QD doesn't strike me as the kind of developer that would change the type of game they make, so that's pretty much out of the question as well.
I do hope that Sony puts the freed up budget from this to something cool and worthwile.
Also I would not in the slightest be surprised if QD's next project bombs horribly, games of this level can actually benefit from exclusivity notably.