I made a video but I'm waiting the fast forward feature be added on Share Factory to not make it boring.
Started by Dr. Pezus, May 03, 2014, 12:03 PM
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I want a slow motion feature :-)
I made a video but I'm waiting the fast forward feature be added on Share Factory to not make it boring.
I made a video but I'm waiting the fast forward feature be added on Share Factory to not make it boring.
o.O why?
The sniper king is back!
How do you know how high to aim when they're far away?
practice and using map landmarks to guesstimate distance. and the markings on the scope give you distance incriments lol
Hmm if you don't want the video to be boring... consider another game :-P
I'm kind of trophy hunter, so if I got all trophies in a game I will move to a new one even when it is unbelievable amazing like The Last if Us (I loved to get all).
Warframe made me broke this trend... inFAMOUS and Child of Light are stopped right now because the only thing I can fell is the wish to play Warframe when I get home... it all day in the work thinking what I will do next in this game.
This game can't be bad if it can change my gaming habits in that way.
I'm not a microtransaction man... in fact I never paid any until yesterday... I talked with my girlfriend the weekend of the benefices of spend $69 in a character pack (I wated her to say to me not buy it... dang nabbit she said if I like I need to buy... lovely)... well at the end Sony made the PSN deals thus week and I decided just to buy 370 Platinum at $13 to support the dev team
This game is amazing... at least for me... I'm waiting something like with Planetside 2.
How about making a new vid with all the awesome things you do in Warframe then? ;-)
Lots of things to unlock but it takes time so I think it could be great to see
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