I watched some more PSX demo footage and i think AI complaints are a bit exaggerated.
The AI is scripted but, unlike what some journalists would lead you to believe, it does not always do the same thing..
As an example i'll use the kitchen fight and the way the shotgunner behaves. Again, this is scripted but it is not constant, it changes according to the way you play.
a) If the player stays behind the first counter taking enemies at a distance the shotgunner comes running and tries to come next to you
b) if the player skips the first counter and goes up against the second line of attack, facing forward, the shotgunner stays behind the third line instead of running at you, because it is close enough to use a shotgun against you and doesn't need to get out of cover to do it
c) if the player skips the first counter, goes to the second line of attack but focuses on the left flank, the shotgunner comes running through the right side, attacking you from the right or from behind.
So it's not exactly mindblowing or standard-setting, seeing as how it's your regular "X leads to Y result" that so many games use, but it's not the "X->Y, Y->Y, Z->Y" that some "articles" would lead you to believe.
Regardless, i'm curious to see Lycan AI. Alien Isolation had pretty standard (sometimes not very good) AI on regular enemies but the Alien's AI was superbly delicious..