Well, only a few episodes left
Started by darkknightkryta, May 02, 2014, 09:40 PM
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Spoiler alert! Lulz
But it's like watching Game of Thrones. A character you love that then dies just makes it more memorable/awesome
So I went to my local anime con. I had a great time. The cosplay was awesome as always. There was this really hot Bayonetta cosplay chick also a really good Biig Daddy cosplayer it a working drill. Its also funny when a Naruto cosplayer was posesing with the big daddy. Cannot look more out of place. Also saw Big Boss eatting a pizza snd Sasuke pissing in a urinal lol.
Also had The Order and TLoU ps4 demo. The order looks so much like a movie although i think they have to work on the gunplay a bit more. TLoU is just a masterpiece.
Anime Con & Games. Yeah not really creative.
Sounds like a relatively big con. What was it called?
I'm watching the episode where Winry stayed with Hughe's and it was his daughter's birthday. I'm already crying cause I know what happens next
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