Forum 3.0 is almost finished, anything you'd like taken care of while I'm deep inside the forum code?

Started by Legend, Nov 20, 2024, 06:05 AM

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I'm primarily focused on speed improvements but I've been making other improvements to things that I care about or have bothered me. For example I'm making quotes marked as read if you read them in live view.

All info is good info at this stage, even if they're pie in the sky dreams.


@kitler53 I believe you posted about something a while back but I can't remember nor find the thread.


Quote from: Legend on Nov 20, 2024, 06:07 AM@kitler53 I believe you posted about something a while back but I can't remember nor find the thread.
I think the main thing that annoyed me you took care of.  I posted that we aren't active enough to need more than one forum and could condense to just one. 

...but the motivation was the "jump to" button would default to the forum the topic was posted in.   you changed the default to the main page and I'm happy.   much fewer clicks.

I have a few enhancement ideas maybe but I'll get back to you on that.

Featured Artist: Emily Rudd


okay, Enhancement 1:

Use Case: today I will read something elsewhere (likely era) and I want to talk about it with you guys.   As such I will post the source and that source is often times twitter.

Problem 1: the twitter embeds require me to edit the links as I copy them from twitter.   Everything after the ? must be deleted or the embedding won't work.

Problem 2: lately many of the tweets i'm seeing aren't actually tweet but rather things posted on bluesky.   I can't say i've tried before but I will try it right now.  I'm not sure I can post things posted on bluesky and it seems like our future will see a lot more of that.
<blockquote class="bluesky-embed" data-bluesky-uri="at://did:plc:y4zs4cabaezzwx3bz2e5nnj2/" data-bluesky-cid="bafyreibxeujqti2m3dvojq5dk6d22qys7qzzwygzf6hzzhujlbvvzx66fm"><p lang="en">I heard that Andrew Tate tried to come stretch his awkward wings here and got banned in just one day.

Sorry, hate has no home here. Stay in the bad place, thanks.</p>&mdash; George Takei (<a href=""></a>) <a href="">November 20, 2024 at 9:29 AM</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Featured Artist: Emily Rudd


Enhancement 2:

The toolbar for creating a post is kind of ugly.  like specifically the icons are dated.   consider getting prettier icons.   also enhance number of emojis we can access.

Featured Artist: Emily Rudd



Featured Artist: Emily Rudd


Quote from: kitler53 on Nov 20, 2024, 04:31 PMokay, Enhancement 1:

Use Case: today I will read something elsewhere (likely era) and I want to talk about it with you guys.   As such I will post the source and that source is often times twitter.

Problem 1: the twitter embeds require me to edit the links as I copy them from twitter.   Everything after the ? must be deleted or the embedding won't work.

Problem 2: lately many of the tweets i'm seeing aren't actually tweet but rather things posted on bluesky.   I can't say i've tried before but I will try it right now.  I'm not sure I can post things posted on bluesky and it seems like our future will see a lot more of that.
<blockquote class="bluesky-embed" data-bluesky-uri="at://did:plc:y4zs4cabaezzwx3bz2e5nnj2/" data-bluesky-cid="bafyreibxeujqti2m3dvojq5dk6d22qys7qzzwygzf6hzzhujlbvvzx66fm"><p lang="en">I heard that Andrew Tate tried to come stretch his awkward wings here and got banned in just one day.

Sorry, hate has no home here. Stay in the bad place, thanks.</p>&mdash; George Takei (<a href=""></a>) <a href="">November 20, 2024 at 9:29 AM</a></blockquote><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

I fixed that a while ago. Guess I didn't get the word out.


No clue what their api is but I can figure something out.


I'm posting this via live view.    i'll check this out in a second  but most of the time what we are posting things in live view for an event or whatever at the end i click "return to topic" and when i do the page is all messed up.   ...and honstly it's not that big of a deal because i just do a hard refresh on web page but it's something i've noticed.

okay, the return to topic worked this time.   maybe it's only a problem if there are enough posted to create multiple new pages?   i dunno.   just something i've noticed before.

Featured Artist: Emily Rudd


Quote from: kitler53 on Nov 20, 2024, 04:35 PMEnhancement 2:

The toolbar for creating a post is kind of ugly.  like specifically the icons are dated.   consider getting prettier icons.   also enhance number of emojis we can access.
I'll look into that. Don't want people to think the forum is some outdated relic. Will prob do that once 3.0 is public so I can get feedback.


enhancement 4:   

i don't love that i make a post and than make another post it is appended to my previous post instead of creating a new post.   i can work around it by clicking "reply" first but it i wanted what i wrote to be a part of the prior post i would have just posted it with my prior post.   

Featured Artist: Emily Rudd


Quote from: kitler53 on Nov 20, 2024, 04:41 PMI'm posting this via live view.    i'll check this out in a second  but most of the time what we are posting things in live view for an event or whatever at the end i click "return to topic" and when i do the page is all messed up.   ...and honstly it's not that big of a deal because i just do a hard refresh on web page but it's something i've noticed.

okay, the return to topic worked this time.   maybe it's only a problem if there are enough posted to create multiple new pages?   i dunno.   just something i've noticed before.
Return to topic should always work since it is just a link to the normal page. Not sure what that could be.

New live view is nice. Even edits show up in it.


Quote from: kitler53 on Nov 20, 2024, 04:45 PMenhancement 4:  

i don't love that i make a post and than make another post it is appended to my previous post instead of creating a new post.   i can work around it by clicking "reply" first but it i wanted what i wrote to be a part of the prior post i would have just posted it with my prior post.  
this one for sure!


Quote from: nnodley on Nov 20, 2024, 06:10 PMthis one for sure!
That's on me. I kinda like that feature for quick edits and streams of thought.

However I've got good news! It's dead.

I think anonymous topics will also be dead. They impact basically every bit of forum code and they are far from worth it.


Quote from: Legend on Nov 20, 2024, 08:23 PMThat's on me. I kinda like that feature for quick edits and streams of thought.

this is a test.  this is only a test.

...just want to see for myself that this won't be appended to my previous post.

nope.      so changed but not yet pushed out i take it?

Featured Artist: Emily Rudd


Quote from: kitler53 on Nov 21, 2024, 02:27 PMthis is a test.  this is only a test.

...just want to see for myself that this won't be appended to my previous post.

nope.      so changed but not yet pushed out i take it?
Forum 3.0 is a full rebuild. I can't push any changes till I finish everything.