What minor thing grinds your gears atm?

Started by Legend, Feb 02, 2021, 06:26 PM

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Quote from: the-Pi-guy on Sep 11, 2024, 03:40 AMWhen something is practically correct, but not necessarily correct.

Something that is usually true, but doesn't have to be true.  

Like its usually true that higher resolution is more GPU intensive than CPU intensive. That will probably be true for every game out there, relatively speaking.

But it doesn't have to be true.

You could make some weird design decisions where graphics get simpler at higher resolutions and NPCs multiply and be harder on the CPU.

You wouldn't ever actually do that, but it's possible.

Technically, and only under very specific circumstances, you should be able to even decrease GPU workload by increasing resolution. Like if there are a whole bunch of on screen particle effects and at lower resolutions they overlap more.

If you're including everything else that is often scaled with graphics, CPU can easily be the bottleneck. Like Minecraft can run at a high resolution but to feed that higher resolution you'd want better draw distances and at least on old Minecraft that'd require a lot more CPU usage. (environment chunks need to be calculated but also the meshes need to be generated on the CPU for the GPU to render)


Do you ever read something from someone, and you just feel like they're being unimaginative?

I can't remember exactly what it was, but several months ago, I think they were arguing about how it is impossible for a car to hit a pedestrian if the driver was paying attention. You couldn't imagine someone running out of an alleyway, and a car going too fast to respond to them?

I feel that way when I see a lot of VR comments. "I don't want to wear a bulky headset." Okay, could you imagine a small headset, the size of a pair of glasses? "No I don't want to wear them over my current glasses." What if they doubled as your current glasses?"

It's like this bizarre obstinate "I've never seen something like that before, so therefore it is impossible" And it grinds my gears.


Quote from: the-Pi-guy on Oct 25, 2024, 09:14 PMDo you ever read something from someone, and you just feel like they're being unimaginative?

I can't remember exactly what it was, but several months ago, I think they were arguing about how it is impossible for a car to hit a pedestrian if the driver was paying attention. You couldn't imagine someone running out of an alleyway, and a car going too fast to respond to them?

I feel that way when I see a lot of VR comments. "I don't want to wear a bulky headset." Okay, could you imagine a small headset, the size of a pair of glasses? "No I don't want to wear them over my current glasses." What if they doubled as your current glasses?"

It's like this bizarre obstinate "I've never seen something like that before, so therefore it is impossible" And it grinds my gears.
People are really stuck in their ways, and I don't think people understand that it's ok to dream bigger.

Grinds my gears a bit when new tech is on the horizon and people argue for watered down versions. It'd be like witnessing the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk and thinking small rc planes are the only real application of their invention.


There's this weird thing some people do and I'm not sure how to classify it.

I'm making this example up but if I were to say "the Midwest struggles with asbestos ceilings, as they were heavily used in 10 out of 12 states."

Sometimes, someone will interject and say "this is completely wrong. The other two states have the lowest usage of asbestos ceilings. Why didn't you bring that up?"

For some reason, someone feels the exception that is not relevant to the overall point should have been mentioned for whatever reason. 


People playing PSX games in an emulator, in hi-res, with texture filters off.



Featured Artist: Emily Rudd


Quote from: darkknightkryta on Nov 06, 2024, 02:18 AMPeople playing PSX games in an emulator, in hi-res, with texture filters off.
What are texture filtures? Maybe they just like the old feel.
Quote from: kitler53 on Nov 06, 2024, 02:34 AMpeople voting for trump...
Sorry. I just love orange face paint.


Quote from: Legend on Nov 06, 2024, 04:08 AMWhat are texture filtures? Maybe they just like the old feel.Sorry. I just love orange face paint.
So you can filter out the pixelated PSX textures to look like N64 textures (PS2 has an option for that).  As far as old look goes, it wouldn't bug me if they played the games in standard resolution with a good CRT/Composite filter.  PSX games didn't look so bad on a CRT using composite since the textures would get an external filter from the composite and the CRT would resolve things nicely.  You'd have to zoom in to notice the blocky textures.  Instead, they high-res the games and do nothing after.  So all the textures resolve into a bunch of rectangles, it looks terrible.  PSX games in high resolution with texture filters look like Dreamcast games.  It's maddening.


not really the right thread for this but i don't really want to start a completely new thread for this thought and this is the "closest match" on the front page.

i'm sure you work hard at keeping this site up and running legend but i wanted to at least say this outloud in case you didn't know that... this site has been really slow and sometime doesn't even load quite a lot lately.   i don't think it's me because any where else i go things run smoothly but i quite often have large lags in loading a page or posting over the last month or so.

Featured Artist: Emily Rudd


Quote from: kitler53 on Nov 06, 2024, 03:04 PMnot really the right thread for this but i don't really want to start a completely new thread for this thought and this is the "closest match" on the front page.

i'm sure you work hard at keeping this site up and running legend but i wanted to at least say this outloud in case you didn't know that... this site has been really slow and sometime doesn't even load quite a lot lately.   i don't think it's me because any where else i go things run smoothly but i quite often have large lags in loading a page or posting over the last month or so.
I'm on vacation in the dr so I haven't looked at it.

Unacceptable how bad the forum has got. It's a dozen of us on a $600 a year server, we should have lightning speed.


It's irritating when someone shares a source and it literally doesn't say what they think it says.

It's wild how often this happens.

A big one that bothered me: someone had put together a list of like 150 studies that "showed that masks made no difference", and then you go into the studies and find that a specific kind of mask made no difference compared to another kind of mask.

Sometimes this definitely happens intentionally for propaganda reasons. 

But it's still hard for me to understand why it's so prevalent. Like people have a vested interest in misreading something. 


just propaganda.  

maybe it was always this way but these days people don't even care about integrity in politics.  anything for the win. 

I remember an interview with newt Gingrich after Trump's first convention (2016).  the interviewer asked him what he thought about Trump telling obvious lies in his speech.   he said something along the lines of "it doesn't matter what the facts are.  truth is what people believe".  

Featured Artist: Emily Rudd


I don't think there's any issue with people talking about things they only know a little bit about. I do that all the time.

But it's frustrating when they're adamant that they know more than they do. And are resistant to being corrected.

It's also frustrating when they make conspiracy theories out of stuff they clearly don't understand. 


Quote from: the-Pi-guy on Dec 28, 2024, 10:59 PMI don't think there's any issue with people talking about things they only know a little bit about. I do that all the time.

But it's frustrating when they're adamant that they know more than they do. And are resistant to being corrected.

It's also frustrating when they make conspiracy theories out of stuff they clearly don't understand. 
For me at least it's kinda two separate issues.

The first is just people never qualifying their statements. I don't know if it's a new trend or if the internet just makes it obvious, but people state things bluntly as matters of fact regardless of the situation. A person saying "X is Y" could mean the person has dedicated their life towards this field, or it could just be blind repetition of what the person saw someone else say 10 seconds ago.

I wish way more people online gave more context to their statements.

The second issue imo is that many people don't care about the truth, they don't want a debate. Corrections are pointless because being correct isn't the point. It's like they are flatearthers but for a different cause.


I'm not sure if there's a label for it. It's probably technically a straw man fallacy, but it doesn't feel like the same thing.  

But I've seen some instances where people will massively exaggerate something, to make it absurd. 

Like there were times where my uncle made it sound like being called racist was one of the most horrific things you could do to someone. 

Someone was talking about Google's ad campaign for their Real Tone camera feature. Where they talk about it taking better pictures for black people. And they felt that Google's ad campaign made them seem like a savior. This absolutely absurd high thing that I don't think any reasonable person would take away from the commercial. 

This was commercial: maybe someone else will get the savior vibe. But it just felt like a regular commercial to me.

It feels a different from a straw man fallacy to me, but I feel like I'm also having a hard time explaining why it feels different.

It feels like they're not particularly refuting the new argument. They're not beating a hypothetical straw man. They're acting like these are things already happening, while not even bothering to refute the argument.