Video Game "Book" Club: Psychonauts 2

Started by kitler53, Jan 07, 2025, 05:18 PM

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Should we pick a new game for book club?

Yes - i'm done with psychonauts
2 (66.7%)
No - i want to see this though to the end
0 (0%)
Undecided - i could go either way on this
1 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 3


Quote from: kitler53 on Jan 13, 2025, 09:38 PMwith repsect to the psi power up setup i was also baffled by it.  each of the power ups has moments where you cannot proceed without it.  yet i never know which ones i'm going to need next so i'm not certain what to use.  and having power-ups move around all the time was confusing for me.

i ended up assigning R1/2/L2 to my three "favorite" spells and decided the only thing i'll remap is L1.  Probably means i'm in the menus more often than i need to be but my small brain could deal with constant spell rotation.
yeah there was a moment in chapter 4 where you have to use pyro on a painting but I totally forgot about pyro because i didn't have it mapped.  I spent like 10 minutes just spinning in circles.  Then just looked it up


Quote from: nnodley on Jan 13, 2025, 10:06 PMyeah there was a moment in chapter 4 where you have to use pyro on a painting but I totally forgot about pyro because i didn't have it mapped.  I spent like 10 minutes just spinning in circles.  Then just looked it up

I didn't have to look it up but I had that same moment.   

I think they did that poster obscuring the path thing at least 3 times now.  I'm glad the have the poster cocked so that a small corner of the path is visible but it is bad design. 

Featured Artist: Emily Rudd


Quote from: kitler53 on Jan 13, 2025, 11:44 PMI didn't have to look it up but I had that same moment. 

I think they did that poster obscuring the path thing at least 3 times now.  I'm glad the have the poster cocked so that a small corner of the path is visible but it is bad design.
If I didn't have like a 4 month gap from the last time I played the game I probably would have been fine


so I'm playing right now and it looks like the game branches into 4 directions that can be completed in any order which extends 3 weeks based on my assignments.  

just an FYI.   

Featured Artist: Emily Rudd


so to add to my comment from yesterday I bolded the 4 chapters are can be done in any order based on what i looked up yesterday. 

Assignment 2: Due Monday January 20

Spoiler for Hidden:
The Motherlobe - Part 2<br><b>The questionable area</b><br>

Assignment 3: Due Monday January 27

Spoiler for Hidden:
<b>Compton&#39;s Cookoff</b><br><b>PSI King&#39;s Sensorium</b><br><br>Missable Trophy Warning: <a href="" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener ugc"></a><br>

Assignment 4: Due Monday February 3

Spoiler for Hidden:
<b>Ford&#39;s Follicles </b><br>Strike City<br>

maybe it's just because i organized this book club but i stuck to doing the area assigned to the current week. 

not sure there is a whole lot for me to comment on this week.   Turns out this section is an entirely optional area so there is pretty much no story.  you can talk to some people for back story but mostly you're just looking around for collectables.   it's at least a nice change from our discussion from last week about the game being very heavy handed with the tutorial and story. 

Featured Artist: Emily Rudd


okay, so one last post about this as I was pretty confused as to what was part of the game is part of what chapters.   so i went ahead and just read the walk though to figure it out.  here is my mostly spoiler free summary for you guys:

Spoiler for Hidden:
The questionable area is largely but not entirely optional.<br><br>1. go to the&nbsp;Psychoislation Chamber to get a quest<br>2. go to the Questionable area to complete that quest<br>3. go back to the Psychoislation Chamber to start&nbsp;<b>Compton&#39;s Cookoff</b><br><br>To start the chapter&nbsp;<b>PSI King&#39;s Sensorium</b> go to Otto&#39;s Laboratory<br><br>To start the chapter&nbsp;<b>Ford&#39;s Follicles</b> go to the hair salon<br><br>


Featured Artist: Emily Rudd


Well so far I've only played like 15 minutes of this.  


i wasn't able to get to last weeks. I'll do it and this weeks together hopefully.


I'll keep playing for the book club, but I'm not liking the game. I'll post my thoughts on specific chapters later.

Thanks for bumping this though. I had missed some posts.


Quote from: Legend on Jan 20, 2025, 08:56 PMI'll keep playing for the book club, but I'm not liking the game. I'll post my thoughts on specific chapters later.

Thanks for bumping this though. I had missed some posts.
yeah it's pretty meh. Nothing is pushing me to finish besides the book club


yeah, so i'm not loving the game either.   still interested in hearing your views but the game just isn't very good.

i really like the idea of book club but this isn't going to go great if everyone hates the game so i have added a poll to the thread.   yes or no.   keep playing or pick a new game.  the choice is ours to make.

Featured Artist: Emily Rudd


yes I'm good with choosing a new one


I don't know if I'm playing these at a bad time, or what. 

Both times, I felt like I was falling asleep after 15 minutes... Which to be fair, I've been playing at like 11 PM.


Quote from: the-Pi-guy on Jan 22, 2025, 04:08 PMI don't know if I'm playing these at a bad time, or what.

Both times, I felt like I was falling asleep after 15 minutes... Which to be fair, I've been playing at like 11 PM.
well the game is pretty meh and I find it hard to play.


i tried playing the a bit more last night and hard noped out of the game. 

there was a new enemy type which i'll call "the judge".    omg do i hate the enemy types where you as a character have an arsenal of offensive techniques but the enemy has immunity from all attacks except for one.  it's not like the game even gave me any indication of what attack to use it just simply deflected everything i had mapped to my controller forcing me to remap to other abilities in search of something that worked.

final review: i f'ing hate this game.

final thought:  who are these people on era that keep posting that this game is "GotY 2021".  i have to assume they have massive brain damage because this game is terrible...

Featured Artist: Emily Rudd