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I assume they are making a new humanoid robot with electric motors.

Rip atlas
Gaming Community / Re: Starfield OT Gone Gold
Last post by Legend - Today at 02:44 PM
that video looks horrible.  
It's a modder hacking around. Only point is that the city loads without crashing.

The pauses for level streaming would suck if they happened like that during real gameplay.
Gaming Community / Re: Starfield OT Gone Gold
Last post by kitler53 - Today at 12:37 PM
that video looks horrible.  
Gaming Community / Re: Starfield OT Gone Gold
Last post by Horizon - Today at 08:28 AM
I am waiting for the a new update before jumping back in as I did enjoy it.
Off-Topic News Discussion / Yay! Mars Sample Return is dea...
Last post by Legend - Yesterday at 09:57 PM
Returning samples from Mars will require a new plan, NASA says | CNN

So happy. The plan was so stupid and would have killed so many other projects with its bloated budget.

I'm pretty sure SpaceX will now just pick them up with a starship based mission.
Gaming Community / Re: How are you feeling about ...
Last post by Horizon - Yesterday at 09:51 PM
Yeah i'm getting very sick of the AAA space thinking that games need to be these monstrosities with 100 hours of content.  And that in itself is lowering  the quality bar because everyone is trying to do the same old open world crud. Give me $50 - $60 singleplayer games that are fairly linear with minimal to no side content and that would be awesome.

I think ND struck a good balance with TLOU part 2 with giving a bit more freedom, but the entire story still bing a very strict linear story.

I don't know if I would consider Banishers a AAA game, but it felt like it got trapped in the need to have more open worlds and a lot of unnecessary content. It made it a real slog to get through. Even though you could just run through the story a lot of the side stuff felt necessary to get the full experience.
100% agree about Banishers. I thought I would be done by 25 hours but I have 35 hours of content but not finished. The combat and world doesn't have enough depth to be this big. I would much rather a tighter and shorter experience. Surely it would shorten the development time and reduce the cost and improve quality. Pubs fixation on length is becoming grating but I get it as people want their money worth £70.
Off-Topic Community / Re: The YouTube |OT| Place for...
Last post by the-pi-guy - Yesterday at 07:50 PM
I saw this video before, but I never actually watched it.

This is kind of a horrifying take on Scooby-Doo. It's just a 4* minute video, and it's not super easy to translate that into a series. But I feel like this 4 minute video is better made than any 4* minute segment in Velma.

*3 minutes 43.5
Off-Topic Community / Re: The YouTube |OT| Place for...
Last post by Legend - Yesterday at 05:59 PM
Boo, youtube shorts. Funny videos though.
Off-Topic Community / Re: The YouTube |OT| Place for...
Last post by the-pi-guy - Yesterday at 05:52 PM

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