Why It Should Bother Everyone That The Oscars Are So White

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Started by 7H3, Feb 21, 2015, 04:35 PM

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why does everything have to be about race

Because instead of accepting that three of every four Americans are white and thus will, or at least should, more often than not make up the majority of everything that does not have a clear racial bias against white people, they'd rather piss and moan about "discrimination". Now they're trying to use some ridiculous argument that the US has some kind of responsibility to show diversity because the Oscars are going to be broadcast to the world. So, for the sake of hurt feelings around the world, we need to force more non-white people into the Oscars. Basically telling the white people who get forced out, "Sorry. You're an amazing actor and definitely deserve to be here based on performance but.... how do I put this... you're white. We need someone without your.... shade.... to be here because we don't want to upset people. I promise you they're not as good as you are but we need to appeal to the crowd". Gotta love reverse racism.