Battery-Free Game Boy

Started by kitler53, Sep 02, 2020, 01:55 PM

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Intermittent computing, an emerging field of computer science and engineering, drives the design principles behind the Engage. Unlike batteries, which draw energy until they need to be replaced, intermittent-computing devices use novel energy-harvesting techniques that provide small amounts of power, resulting in devices that only remain ON for seconds, rather than hours. Pawełczak says "the whole idea of intermittent computing stems from the fact we should ditch batteries completely."
This is the key to the Engage.
It's a fully operational Game Boy and can play any of the console's titles, from Tetris to Super Mario Land. It harvests energy from five small rows of solar panels on its face and from button presses made by the user. In its present state, that's enough to power the Engage for around 10 seconds, depending on the game. Then, losing power, it switches off. A few quick button mashes restore gameplay in less than a second.
i thought this was a pretty cool article. 

Featured Artist: Vanessa Hudgens


So does it use a capacitor then?

Kinda cool. I don't think a gameboy is a good application but it'll be interesting to see if "intermittent computing" becomes common for some devices. I wonder what they are using for the save system. Without reading the article I would have just assumed the device used flash memory for RAM so that a power outage didn't matter.