A 4D video game?

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Started by Legend, Feb 27, 2018, 04:58 AM

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Rest of the engine is coming along nicely.

I added a quick simple outline effect so that it's easy to see the bounds of the 4D rendered image. Also it's really really cool to move around the 4D world and treat it like a tv screen. The mouse wheel allows you to zoom in and out of the 4D world. Holding the scroll wheel down and dragging around allows you to pan the 4D camera left/right and ana/kata. With alt held down, it switches to pivot mode. Clicking and dragging with the left mouse button rotates the 4D camera around a point in the left/right and ana/kata directions. When doing left/right it feels kinda like normal rotating, but it's very weird when doing ana/kata.

I have a lot of my game engine classes partially set up. My 4D mesh class can calculate surface normals, so pretty soon I'm going to have to start messing with lighting in the graphics engine. First I'm going to get the renderer working with the data in the scene and get mesh editing working in the editor.

Also optimization wise I'm feeling pretty good about hitting my performance target. A lot of this code is quickly thrown together yet I'm still getting great framerates. Biggest slowdown is from tetrahedrons getting too close to the 4D camera and covering up a lot of voxels. This stops the GPU from running in parallel since currently voxels per tetrahedron are operated on in sequence. At the moment I can literally increase performance by adding more tetrahedrons to an object's mesh.