PlayStation Studios Development

Started by the-pi-guy, Mar 27, 2015, 08:29 PM

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I really hope the game isn't dead. I love mass effect!


So Grubb says Sony considering doing a showcase and I can see why. A showcase with the potential to show:

Wolverine gameplay
Intergalactic gameplay
Saros gameplay
Yotei gameplay
Horizon online 
Santa Monica new IP
Until Dawn 2 
Some 2nd party exclusive

Would be like a mix of 2018/2016 e3. 


Quote from: Horizon on Feb 15, 2025, 11:52 AMSo Grubb says Sony considering doing a showcase and I can see why. A showcase with the potential to show:

Wolverine gameplay
Intergalactic gameplay
Saros gameplay
Yotei gameplay
Horizon online
Santa Monica new IP
Until Dawn 2
Some 2nd party exclusive

Would be like a mix of 2018/2016 e3.
that would be a great show!

....but all people will talk about for the next 4 years is how terrible it is that sony has nothing to show.  

Featured Artist: Emily Rudd



I wonder what all is happening with Sony's live service push. I feel like the whole thing has gotten stupider as time has gone on. 

I've said a billion times before that it made sense to make live service games, even potentially a bunch of them with the hope of something becoming successful. But it makes basically no sense to drastically scale down what was working in favor of risky live service games. I'm still baffled that Bluepoint was working on a live service title. 

It also feels kind of dumb to do such a hard reset on the entire thing. The fact that they unceremoniously cut so many large projects feels insane on its own. 2 at Firesprite, Bluepoint, Bend Studio, Insomniac Games, Naughty Dog, London Studio, potentially Deviation Games. 

I think at this point we are left with Helldivers, Horizon Online, Fairgame$, Bungie's projects. 

What is Sony's future?

The only way it could get dumber, is if we find out that they just reassigned all the studios to new live service games. 

Hopefully the future is more tactful. 


I think it's near impossible to overstate how badly concord flopped. Sony probably planned for most of these live service games to do ok and only a few to be big hits, but concord did not make even a single penny in income. Other games will certainly not do that bad but they could easily fail to recoup even marketing costs. Canceling games from devs that could definitely make a profit from single player games makes sense. As you say it was really weird that Sony even put these studios on live service in the first place.

Horizon mp will probably only do ok imo. I expected lego horizon to do much better than it did. That makes me worried that the horizon ip won't be able to carry the game.

Fairgame will of course flop imo.

Bungie is a complete wildcard. They don't have many of their old devs remaining but their legacy is still pretty powerful for recruiting. Maybe they pull another rabit out of the hat.