Largest rocket in history launch thread!!!

Started by Legend, Nov 09, 2023, 07:05 PM

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Nov 09, 2023, 07:05 PM Last Edit: Nov 16, 2023, 06:46 PM by Legend
Launch license has arrived, rocket is ready to go!!!


Big bombs for a big rocket.


Really great hype video


Heck yeah hope it comes through.


Random fun coincidence.

Last launch was booster 7 and ship 24. Easy to remember as 24 7, always open business hours.

This launch is booster 9 and ship 25. Easy to remember as 9 to 5, common work hours.

Won't work for future launches though. Boosters 10, 11, and 12 are all ready to go and ship 26, 28, and 29 are ready to go. No fun combos with those. I really just hope the government is done holding spacex up. Would be awesome to see a third flight in January.


Nov 15, 2023, 05:24 PM Last Edit: Nov 15, 2023, 09:29 PM by Legend
Fish and Wildlife have published their review. Pretty funny that they used the same calculations and justifications that fans have been using for months, like showing the deluge water has an insignificant impact compared to rain.

Really incredible that a multibillion dollar program was held up by this. It's always good to double check numbers on things that seem obvious but I think everyone expected FTS recertification to be the long pole. (that's the thing that blows up the rocket if it goes off course, and it partially failed last flight)




That was amazing! Perfect first stage launch.


Nov 18, 2023, 07:06 PM Last Edit: Nov 18, 2023, 07:48 PM by Legend

Second stage parts reentered around Puerto Rico. Best guess is that there was an explosion of some sort that caused a leak. That led to fuel running out 30 seconds early, leading to the RUD.

First stage was just damage from hot staging, either from the fire or the rapid movements. Or an engine exploded on relight, but that seems less likely.

So freaking incredible. The shockwaves are crazy looking.


First stage explosion was indeed from the rapid movements. Just delay the turn and engine relight in software and it seems like it would have been fine. Reminds me of the Falcon 1 failure where staging happened too fast.

Still no clue what caused the second stage to initially fail. Everything looks good until the leak shows up. Depending on what is needed to fix it, next launch could be in January (but probably later).


All the engine plumes combine, forming giant mach diamonds.  

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