[RUMOR] Project Beast

Started by Raven, May 02, 2014, 11:01 PM

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Update: The leaker, describing what he saw, offers the following details:
- Character walked around, fought enemies
- Giant "mindflayer" type enemy
- Character is shown placing a shining magic sword into a pedestal at the base of a statue
- A huge pyromancy fireball
- Shotguns
- There was text "This is a nightmare."

Original: While "leaks" from 4chan are generally frowned upon, a new one stemming from the community appears to have outed a new title from Japan. Sony, in conjunction with Dark Souls developer From Software, seems to be working on something called "Project Beast".

Project Beast is said to be a new title for the PlayStation 4. 4chan has images from what appears to be a trailer showcasing the game (see the gallery below).

Take this update with a gran of salt, though it certainly looks legitimate. It wouldn't be all too surprising if Project Beast were to pop up at E3 next month.




This is definitely going to be an E3 reveal.  Can't fudgy wait!


Me too! The funny thing is people said there's no way this was going to happen because From Software was already working on Dark Souls II. Looks like the rumor of a Demon's Souls sequel/successor/spin-off is likely true. They said I was crazy....


Quote from: Raven on May 02, 2014, 11:17 PM
Me too! The funny thing is people said there's no way this was going to happen because From Software was already working on Dark Souls II. Looks like the rumor of a Demon's Souls sequel/successor/spin-off is likely true. They said I was crazy....
And it's supposedly miyazaki's game!!  Which I hope is true.


Quote from: nnodley on May 02, 2014, 11:24 PM
And it's supposedly miyazaki's game!!  Which I hope is true.

Didn't he pretty much go off the dang grid to make a next gen game and no one seemed to know what he was up to?


Quote from: Raven on May 02, 2014, 11:25 PM
Didn't he pretty much go off the dang grid to make a next gen game and no one seemed to know what he was up to?
Yeah, no one knew what he was doing.  He had said he wanted to do something new.  And I expect this to be pretty different from demon's souls, but still have that feel to it.


Quote from: nnodley on May 02, 2014, 11:34 PM
Yeah, no one knew what he was doing.  He had said he wanted to do something new.  And I expect this to be pretty different from demon's souls, but still have that feel to it.

I'm expecting it to have the difficulty and tone. Maybe share a few gameplay elements.


Quote from: Raven on May 02, 2014, 11:47 PM
I'm expecting it to have the difficulty and tone. Maybe share a few gameplay elements.
Yeah I can't wait to see it in action.  I need to start playing Demon's Souls again and I never even began Dark Souls.  Got it for christmas and just never played it.


Quote from: nnodley on May 02, 2014, 11:49 PM
Yeah I can't wait to see it in action.  I need to start playing Demon's Souls again and I never even began Dark Souls.  Got it for christmas and just never played it.

One of my more shameful gaming moments is the fact that I didn't even try to get any decent way through Demon's Souls. I think I got to that giant Tower Knight, killed him, and just decided that I had already went through enough. Then again, I was borrowing a friend's PS3 at the time and needed to play a lot of other games.

Dr. Pezus

Quote from: Raven on May 03, 2014, 12:03 AM
One of my more shameful gaming moments is the fact that I didn't even try to get any decent way through Demon's Souls. I think I got to that giant Tower Knight, killed him, and just decided that I had already went through enough. Then again, I was borrowing a friend's PS3 at the time and needed to play a lot of other games.
Lol, I got to the same point I think. Too much of a time sink imo and not being able to pause/save at any time was a bummer for me who doesn't often have much time to play


Quote from: Mr. Sexy-Eyes on May 03, 2014, 12:04 AM
Lol, I got to the same point I think. Too much of a time sink imo and not being able to pause/save at any time was a bummer for me who doesn't often have much time to play

Oh man I agree. That's one of those games you have to set aside an entire weekend to play and expect little success.

What the hell happened to the pics?? They're all broken now!


Quote from: Raven on May 03, 2014, 12:03 AM
One of my more shameful gaming moments is the fact that I didn't even try to get any decent way through Demon's Souls. I think I got to that giant Tower Knight, killed him, and just decided that I had already went through enough. Then again, I was borrowing a friend's PS3 at the time and needed to play a lot of other games.

LOL I think you got farther than me!!


The pics never worked for me.


I've liked third person action games from Japan so I'm keeping my eye out.


Sony's Project Beast Confirmed Real By Insiders: First of a Few PS4 Exclusives; Footage Two Months Old

Today screenshots from "Project Beast" a new game made in collaboration between Sony Computer Entertainment and From Software were leaked, even if their legitimacy is still in question due to their source.

A couple industry insiders with a solid track record weighed in on the rumor, and essentially confirmed that it's real.

NeoGaf's Verendus was the first to speak, mentioning that the leak is real and the working title is also correct. He added that the screenshots come from two months old footage.

Ahsan "Thuway" Rasheed also joined, saying that all he heard about it was that Sony was working with From Software, and something about inspiration from the Castlevania series.

Interestingly enough he also mentioned that this is the first of a few PS4 exclusives and described what we can expect from Sony's future first party announcements:

Sony's first party efforts going forward will be about delivering a portfolio of exclusives in multiple genres.

They don't want to be known as the Uncharted box, the FPS machine, or the platformer palace. It's about diversity.

As usual we should keep in mind that this kind of rumor should be considered with the customary skepticism, since it doesn't come directly from Sony, but one thing is for sure, E3 is going to be interesting.
