I'm terrified of the idea of releasing software

Started by the-pi-guy, May 14, 2020, 11:37 AM

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I shouldn't be, because it's what I want to do with my life.  

I'm terrified of overlooking something or doing wrong and causing game breaking bugs or worse.  It's part of the reason why I thought making my own engine probably wasn't the best idea.  Not to mention terrifying thinking other people might look at my code.  

This is all coming out right now with the website I'm building. Terrified of making mistakes and really just hope no one uses it.


I understand that fear, but even huge major games need patches.

Also there is no greater joy then having people play and enjoy your software.


i'm going through trying to pivot to the idea of not making games for the sake of making money, but making games for the sake of loving the process and putting them out, and even if only say 20 people enjoyed it then that is great.

Obviously i have plans to not have to worry about making money from games if it all works out.